Author Topic: altbinz on wine slow on netbook. suggestions?  (Read 5050 times)

Offline bsd1101

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altbinz on wine slow on netbook. suggestions?
« on: June 03, 2011, 04:34:11 am »
Few weeks ago I got rid of my t500 which had a 256mb GFX card and got a x120e. The only problem i'm having with this laptop is unfortunately altbinz. I use slackware linux and wine. When I used altbinz on wine on my old laptop it was slightly slower than all the other applications and now its very laggy. By this i mean it takes a much longer time for the program to start. After it starts its more laggy than ever switching between tabs and when I start downloading is when the real lag begins. It's so laggy the speed rate doesn't show it either remains at 0 or changes to one number and stays on it until the download is finished. The time still goes up and down but it cannot keep up with the speed changing. It becomes extremely slow to change between tabs and takes long to see all the files inside one collection in my queue. I do have 8 gigs of ram in this netbook but i'm just surprised that it is running this slow through wine. Have been using altbinz for a while now, wishing for a linux version but i doubt that's going to happen

Any ideas? Suggestions greatly appreciated

Offline drinkalot

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Re: altbinz on wine slow on netbook. suggestions?
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2011, 01:09:05 pm »
From what I can see, and its just a general list of specs, a t500 comes with a Intel Core 2 Duo T9600 (2.80GHz, 1066MHz FSB, 6MB Cache),
and the x120 with a AMD dual-core 1.6GHz E-350 processor.
BIG difference. The x120 is a ultramobile system, using a processor which uses less power, ofcourse and the expense of performance.
The t9600 may be an older processor, but is faster in decryption and unrarring.

So unless the above specifications for a random t500/x120 system I found on google do not match your system AT ALL, there's your problem.

Offline alto

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Re: altbinz on wine slow on netbook. suggestions?
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2011, 03:57:05 pm »
I've used Altbinz for a couple of years now on a Dell Inspiron 6000 with 1G RAM. Pretty old school by modern standards, I suppose!

When I ran it under XP, the decoding usually caused a bit of a bottleneck compared to my connection (20Mb via Virgin to Astraweb), but it wasn't really a big deal. There was a big improvement in the decoding speed with one of the versions back which helped a lot.

When I switched to Linux I was pleased to see that altbinz ran pretty swiftly under WINE - I was expecting it to crawl along.

Over the last few versions I have noticed problems with lag in the interface. Everything seems to be downloading at the expected speed, but the speed indicator does not refresh whilst downloading is in progress and the lag when attempting to switch tabs, pause etc is very slow as the OP points out. I don't think I ever had this happen when running altbinz under XP.

It's only a minor annoyance really. What I've got in the habit of doing is ensuring the connection is off, and all the downloads are saved as paused. Once I'm happy with this batch of downloads I unpause them, connect and just leave it to do it's stuff. It would be nice to search or  add something whilst the other downloads are in progress, but I've got used to working around it.

Also, I don't think that the problem is hardware performace related, as I've run altbinz on an eeepc701 reasonably well.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2011, 03:58:52 pm by alto »

Offline Rdl

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Re: altbinz on wine slow on netbook. suggestions?
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2011, 09:02:13 pm »
It would help if you can pinpoint in what version starts performance drop.
Also, I think 0.40 version will solve this problem(regardless on the info above)

Offline dacaid

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Re: altbinz on wine slow on netbook. suggestions?
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2011, 02:01:58 pm »
Bad teaser, baaaaaaaaad  ::)

Any changelog to throw at us?

Offline Rdl

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Re: altbinz on wine slow on netbook. suggestions?
« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2011, 05:23:02 pm »
0.39 - Winter is Stats are coming :) - should be out in a few days
0.40 - all about optimizing multicore performance

Offline dacaid

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Re: altbinz on wine slow on netbook. suggestions?
« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2011, 06:31:32 pm »
alt.binz 0.39 - Lord Snow edition ;)

thx for the heads up !!