Author Topic: dl thread dying & occasional full app hang - sporadic bugs have disappeared  (Read 4200 times)

Offline Console Cowboy

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Note:  this is NOT a bug report!  it's a report of unreported bugs fixed (there's not much sense in reporting sporadic bugs that can't be reproduced!)

before upgrading to version 3.51 (I skipped 3.33 & 3.34):

I would find download threads would die off and get stuck in a loop constantly trying to reconnect, fail, count down for 40 seconds and retry again.  The only way I could get the hung threads back was to force a disconnect and then re-connect.  I tried many variations of 'Connection Options' tuning, but no luck.

Sometimes I would also find AltBinz completely hung and I would have to kill the app and restart it.  There weren't any clues I could find in the log, mostly because the appropriate time period was lost by the hang/force kill.  About all I could pin the hang to was that I had been taxing the computer (running two or three CPU intensive jobs at the same time). 

After upgrading to the version(s) that use the individual queue files (ie, version 3.33 and up) both problems have gone away.

I am quite happy to have two annoying, intermittent and not reproducible problems disappear.  Keep up the good work!

Offline Hecks

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  • naughty cop
Thanks for the post, but it isn't a bug report that needs tracking, so:


Offline Rdl

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I'll move this to general section.

Thx for your support.