Author Topic: Donation without a Paypal account  (Read 2993 times)

Offline Runik

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Donation without a Paypal account
« on: June 22, 2009, 11:13:13 am »
Hi there.

I'm a regular user of this great little program, and I would like to donate. The catch is I don't want to create a PayPal account.
I already had the problem in the past, and it was possible to send money directly to someone through PayPal using the creditcard without creating a PayPal account.
After some research, and according to this link it's still possible, as it's just an account preference.

The interesting bit is there :
To turn the feature on or off, simply log in to PayPal, go to Profile, click ‘Website Payment Preferences’ under the Selling Preferences column and tick the yes/no box under PayPal Account Optional.

So is it possible to make the change, as it seems that I'm not the only not willing to create a PayPal account just for this donation ?

Thanks for the attention :)

Offline Rdl

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Re: Donation without a Paypal account
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2009, 11:42:14 am »
Option called "PayPal Account Optional" is already on.

Code: [Select]
About PayPal Account Optional

When PayPal Account Optional is turned on, your customers who are new to PayPal will no longer be required to create a PayPal account to complete a purchase—they will go through an alternate checkout, and will have the option to sign up afterward. Customers who already have PayPal accounts will continue to enjoy the privileges of those accounts, such as payment history and integration with eBay Auctions, and their checkout experience will remain the same.

This feature is available for Buy Now, Donations, and Shopping Cart buttons, but not for Subscription buttons.

Note: If you have turned on Auto Return and have chosen to turn on PayPal Account Optional for new users, a new user will not be automatically directed back to your website, but will be given the option to return.

Offline Runik

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Re: Donation without a Paypal account
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2009, 07:46:27 pm »
Thanks for the answer :)

But actually I think the problem is somewhere else : if I check the PayPal button from the Ccleaner website, I get the following screen :

The credit card info can be filled, and there's no need to create a PayPal account.

On the other hand, when I click on AltBinz PayPal button, I get this screen :

where you can't pay without a PayPal account ...

I'm not very familiar how it works when you put a PayPal button on a website, so I can't be of much help to track where the problem is from  :/