Why was binindex.net removed? Was there a problem?
Session Time: Sat May 12 00:00:00 2007
[09:21] <rdl> Yes, that would be easier, but really no need for that. It just complicates things for you.
[15:08] <Extremest> it's not really that big of a deal.
[15:25] <Extremest> are you wanting to use normal search or advanced search?
[15:26] <Extremest> I'll set it up for yea. ALready have yea a subdomain.
[15:51] <rdl> def advanced search + browsing group
[15:52] <rdl> xml would be fine then
[15:54] <Extremest> ok I am getting ready to go to work. I'll see what i can get done for yea.
[15:54] <rdl> ok, thx
[15:55] <Extremest> you won't require pagination then right just like first 100 or something like that.
[16:00] <rdl> well number of results as selected
[16:00] <rdl> and just put info on current/last page
[16:15] <Extremest> ok I didn't think you used the next page. I'll see what I can do.
[16:20] <rdl> Also I'm using NFO link if available
[22:02] <Extremest> ok. Let me see what I can come up with. for that would prolly be easiest to just serve yea up a stripped down version of what I have now. Then it owuld be the same just have less to send.
Session Time: Sun May 13 00:00:00 2007
Session Time: Mon May 14 00:00:00 2007
Session Close: Mon May 14 14:04:57 2007