Author Topic: Future of Alt.Binz  (Read 75217 times)

Offline Banshee

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« Reply #30 on: June 13, 2007, 10:02:40 am »
Hi, been a long time user of unix based auto downloaders (hellanzb, ninan, sabnzbd) but was very happy to find a.b. However, I do have to agree that it seems a bit hipocritical to charge for a tool essentially designed to help rob other people of their commercial income!! Dont get me wrong, I am not passing judgment on piracy, I think we have all copied a CD at some point in our lives! I just cant reconcile paying one person to avoid paying someone else!

That said, I would be willing to voluntarily donate for a piece of software I found useful, particularly if the developer took an interest in my requirements.

1) Add Newzbin support (not just to the search tabs, which would be great, but also the ability to put your newzbin account details in the settings of a.b and just add a post ID to start a download). I think a lot of people would like this.

2) And this is the real deal clincher for me - remote support. As I said before I used to use sabnzbd, ninan and hellanzb all of which provide a php web frontend to add/delete/start/stop/reorder etc downloads so you can do everything without needing access to the actual PC. Look at the webui for utorrent to see just how good it could be.

If you could manage to add this functionality then I would gladly donate $30.

Here's a deal for you to show my commitment: if you decide to address these requests I will quite happily pay for you to have a newzbin account for development/testing. Let me know


Offline Hecks

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« Reply #31 on: June 13, 2007, 10:12:44 am »
Quote from: "cider"
I won't pay 30$ for a licence either.

There are still several features missing like header fetching, newzbin support and other languages like german, spanish and french.

So, would you be willing to pay $30 for a version *with* those features?  That's what the poll is about, it seems to me.


Offline Banshee

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« Reply #32 on: June 13, 2007, 11:21:35 am »
Quote from: "Hecks"
Quote from: "cider"
I won't pay 30$ for a licence either.

There are still several features missing like header fetching, newzbin support and other languages like german, spanish and french.

So, would you be willing to pay $30 for a version *with* those features?  That's what the poll is about, it seems to me.


Can't speak for cider, but as far as I can tell this poll/thread has developed into the question of whether a mandatory payment is acceptable? For my earlier points I was talking about being prepared to make a $30 donation if the particular functionality I would like to see could be added. I think nothing incentivises work quicker than reward ;)

I was also willing to put my money where my mouth is regarding the NewzBin issue.


PS, please don't take this the wrong way, I am not arguing with anyone, here.

Offline MaxL

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Simply YES
« Reply #33 on: June 13, 2007, 12:23:16 pm »
Simple YES i am willing to pay $30 for future upgrades and bug fixes, will not comment further as rdl knows what i think ;)


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Future of Alt.Binz
« Reply #34 on: June 13, 2007, 03:02:05 pm »
I tend to agree with Lanjackal and others here. This is a great program and I have enormous respect for those that have worked on it, but I do believe that you shouldn't make a profit out of programs like this, given what it's used for.

I don't pay for newsgroups (I get mine free with my ISP) I don't pay for nzb's from Newzbin and the like, and I won't pay for my newsreader either.

If it does become pay only, then I'll just carry on using either the current version, go back to using Grabit or look for an 'edited' version of this or one of the other pay newsreaders.

Making a donation, on the other hand, is something else. If you were to put a target amount up for adding additional features, then I might well be prepared to contribute if I felt it was worthwhile.

Otherwise, please consider Lanjackals request to make this open source if you don't want to carry on.

Offline venussuz

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« Reply #35 on: June 13, 2007, 08:36:54 pm »
I pay for both a newsgroup server and premium access to nzb files, but I don't feel this program is in a state where a mandatory payment of $30 is viable. Add some of the features mentioned above (forget headers please - added bloat is NOT good) and I would gladly donate whatever I could at the time which could be $10 or $50 - instituting a static mandatory pay system does not sit well with this fan of alt.binz. Actually, I would donate without changes, but adding support for Newzbin would be a huge benefit.

As others have said, I would likely either use a current free version or find an altered copy of the new pay version, because that's what we do with Usenet, isn't it?

Great program, just not quite ready for prime time pay, IMO.


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Future of Alt.Binz
« Reply #36 on: June 13, 2007, 10:43:10 pm »
I will be happy to pay. Providing the "loose ends" will be fixed.
e.g. combining splitted files, better (back-up) server handling.


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Future of Alt.Binz
« Reply #37 on: June 14, 2007, 01:17:37 pm »

Keep it civil, please.



had no idea the forum is censored.
removed the program from my computer.

Offline madshi

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« Reply #38 on: June 14, 2007, 08:13:29 pm »
My vote is "yes", but I'd expect a near bug free software then. Right now I'm having some nasty stability problems. See this thread:

Offline Gompy

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« Reply #39 on: June 14, 2007, 11:30:11 pm »
Why don't you start a paid version anyway Rdl?
It would be a pity when your creation is stopped so sudden...

With respect, Gompy.


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« Reply #40 on: June 14, 2007, 11:36:56 pm »
well i voted no.

i only found out about this program a month or 2 ago.
i was happy that i could dump newsleecher (i try to use as litle warez as posible). and mostly the nice nzb -> unpacked file ability :)

then i saw this message and i was like damn... figures.

the friends to whom i showed this link moved back to a cracked version of newsleecher. (wich aparently also has auto unparing and unraring now)

I will use this program as long is it is free, but if it becomes payware i'll switch over to sabnzbd.

so please if you don't have the time for the program make it opensource, i'm sure other people are willing to help out / continiue the work

Offline mc00

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« Reply #41 on: June 15, 2007, 06:36:57 am »
the program is great... I ditch NL and newsbin as soon I found this program..
and 30 price is deep for me, I already paying for other stuff I won't mention in here.. so under $20 than we talk :)

please I stress PLEASE don't turn into newsleecher with over paranoid and greedy attitude because honesty must of us use this kind of program to do stuff we not suppose to and those dev expect there program not to be you know what.
yes I understand take work and time to create this program so I respect the decision start charging/donations for altbinz.


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« Reply #42 on: June 16, 2007, 08:38:41 pm »
I just found this program about two weeks ago and so far it's great!  I would give $30 to keep it going as long as it does not turn into NewsLeecher and expect us to buy it every year over and over again.  Count me in!


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Future of Alt.Binz
« Reply #43 on: June 17, 2007, 12:16:58 pm »
Ok I think that I will not pay $30 for this program because:

1º - the program still have to many changes/bugs to correct

2º - every time I do a lifetime payment the guy leave the develoment of the program and go away

Never the less this program have many chances in the futur of being the best for downloading from the newsgroups, and I will help suporting this development. I see 2 ways of doing this:

1º - Donating

2º - $5/year payment

If You receive $5/year from everyone in 6 years You will have the $30 you wont and after that more, and we have the garanty that You dont stop the development.
This is a good program, and the number of people that will use it will grow.
The $5 make it one of the cheapest programs and people will pay it easily.

Moreover $5 are little for each one but it will be 10000 times (or more) that value for you. I think it will be sufficient for this program as it is now.

Sorry for my poor English but I have done my best ,

Offline Phobophile

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« Reply #44 on: June 17, 2007, 12:55:08 pm »
Yes, I am willing to pay. But $30,- is defenately too much.