I use SickBeard and I've wanted to use Couch Potato as well, but the two of them do not place nicely if you use the same "blackhole". I'd basically have to run another instance of alt.binz which i'd rather not do.
I was told by the SickBeard people that if I had "Categories" supported by my NG client, something they claim sabnzb has, that I could utilize that. I am not clear on what this means or how it would be used, but my initial question is simply "does alt.binz" support this? I am using the free version and do not currently see the functionality and I did not see it in the release notes for the newer ones, but maybe I am missing what it is called.
here's a copy of what I posted to the sickbeard people and their reply:
Me: The problem with Sick Beard and Couch Potato running on the same machine is the two are constantly fighting over the same folders. Since I use a blackhole folder for Alt.Binz to pick up and process, it is unable to say "this is category A, store the filer in this folder for couch potatoe and this i category B, store it somewhere else" need the two apps to play nicely. Preferably I'd love to see sickbeard just encompass couch potato since it's nicer.
Some other person X: use categories to handle your post-processing.
Sickbeard people: As X says, if you use a download client like SABNZB you can have Sickbeard/CP automatically set the category and put it in the relevant folder.