Author Topic: Site Suggestion  (Read 2351 times)


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Site Suggestion
« on: March 01, 2009, 03:44:05 am »
I would like to suggest a little more advertising done for the newer versions of Alt.Binz. I hang out at a lot of forums, under different names and I constantly recommend Alt.Binz to newsgroup users. I would venture to guess I have sent a few hundred people to the site.

Now with that said, it doesn't necessarily bring you all that many donations. The problem is that people come back and say they think .0.25.0 is too old to use or that the site looks really old. I always specify that for a small donation, they can get the latest version that is worked on constantly. The thing is, people are really visual site readers and they tend to skip over reading and look right for what is big or what is new. I tell them ahead of time what to look for and they still skip over actually using it when they see the site.

The main page is very outdated, with just a tiny link to .0.28.4 up in the corner. The news hasn't been updated in a while and doesn't even reflect the current state of Alt.Binz. I think there should be a post or two about where it is right now, maybe some new links. Then a new post when it is updated, to get people interested. I also think that the latest version should be added directly to the download page with a link to a forum post or a donation page, thus not making people click some random link like they do on the page. At least they will be able to see the latest version number. I also would add a few screenshots to show how great it is and an extended feature list.

When I send users, even with them knowing what to look for, they immediately go to the download section. Then it is either "Eww, it hasn't been updated since 2007" or "OMG, I am using .0.25.0 and it barely works". No one even notices the link on that page for the new versions.

I'm not complaining and I had no trouble finding it for myself. I do, however, believe that I am right and think my suggestion could help the site a bit. You could probably get more donations and a larger user base, just by updating the site a bit. Right now, the project looks dead upon first glance.