What he meant with "The only one you support with 2e donation is Paypal" is that Paypal asks for transaction costs. With small donations like 2e, this would 'vanish' to Paypal so to speak.
If you would be donating to 'just support the developer', I can see where you would want to give just 3e for example.
However, you state that you want to download the latest version with your donation.
The thing is, the donation has been set up in a way that you get to receive all future lifetime updates, by just doing one donation. Is a donation of 3e really what you're prepared to donate for lifetime updates?
Also, there is no explicit minimum donation amount. Just think of what you're prepared to donate for a program you will use almost (if not every day) every day. This way some can choose to give more than others. But do keep it a realistic amount.