Author Topic: Tutorial: Automated downloading using AltBinz + Sickbeard/Couchpotato/Headphones  (Read 15849 times)

Offline Fraslo

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I myself had a hard time to find a clean way to automatically let Sickbeard/Couchpotato/Headphones work together with AltBinz without them having scanning the same directories.

That's why I wrote this simple tutorial to show everyone how to automatic download and postproces Movies/Series/Music with AltBinz using the AltBinz categories system. :)

There are enough easy to follow tutorials on the internet to show how to setup Sickbeard/Couchpotato/Headphones in combination with SABnzb. (On TotalHTPC and Binaries4all for example)
I will skip the basic setup part and only show the differences for an AltBinz setup.
I use this setup myself for a fully automated downloading system with the XBMC media player. (It will also work perfectly with any other player, even without a media player this is a very clean setup)

Quick overview of my harddrive download structure. (any similar setup would work):

- This is an overview of my AltBinz download directory structure:
D:\Downloads\NZBAutoImport (Blackhole directory for Sickbeard/Couchpotato/Headphones)
D:\Downloads\Series (All Sickbeard series will be downloaded here, Sickbeard only scans this directory for finished series.)
D:\Downloads\Movies (All CouchPotato movies will be downloaded here, CouchPotato only scans this directory for finished movies.)
D:\Downloads\Music (All Headphones music will be downloaded here, Headphones only scans this directory for finished music.)

- This is an overview of my directory structure used by XBMC to find it's media files. (Also a clean setup when not using XBMC):

Let's begin 8):

1) Setup Sickbeard/Couchpotato/Headphones. (A simple guide can be found here:, just skip the parts where they talk about SABnzb.)

2) Change the Sickbeard/Couchpotato/Headphones settings.

2a) Sickbeard:

- Go to Config -> Search settings.
- Change NZB method to Black Hole.
- Change NZB Black Hole to "D:\Downloads\NZBAutoImport".

- Go to Config -> Post processing.
- Change TV Download Dir to "D:\Downloads\Series".
- Enable Scan and Process.

- Start adding new shows with Parent Folder (step2) "E:\Series\"

Sickbeard will now output nzb's to the auto import directory of AltBinz and will scan the TV Download Dir for incoming episodes.
When episodes are found they will be automatically moved to the specified Parent Folder.

2b) Couchpotato:

- Go to Settings -> Downloaders.
- Enable Black hole.
- Change directory to: "D:\Downloads\NZBAutoImport".
- Change use for to Usenet.

- Go to Settings -> Renamer.
- Enable Rename downloaded movies.
- Change From to: "D:\Downloads\Movies".
- Change To to: "E:\Movies".

- Start adding new movies.

Couchpotato will now output nzb's to the auto import directory of AltBinz and will scan the AltBinz movies download directory for incoming movies.
When movies are found they will be automatically moved to the specified rename location.

2c) Headphones:

- Go to Settings -> Download Settings.
- Enable Use Black Hole.
- Change Music Download Directory to: "D:\Downloads\Music"
- Change Black Hole Directory to: "D:\Downloads\NZBAutoImport".

- Go to Settings -> Quality & Post Processing.
- Enable Move downloads to Destination Folder.
- Change Path to Destination Folder to: E:\Music.

- Start adding new artists/albums.

Headphones will now output nzb's to the auto import directory of AltBinz and will scan the AltBinz music download directory for incoming music.
When music files are found they will be automatically moved to the specified destination location.

3) Setting up AltBinz:

- Go to Setup -> NZB.
- Enable Autoimport NZB files from folder.
- Change the autoimport directory to: "D:\Downloads\NZBAutoImport".

- Go to Setup -> Download.
- Click on the categories button to open the categories menu.
- Add a new row with name: Movies with download folder: "D:\Downloads\Movies" with unrar folder: "D:\Downloads\Movies" with keywords: @\(tt[0-9]+\)
- Add a new row with name: Series with download folder: "D:\Downloads\Series" with unrar folder: "D:\Downloads\Series" with keywords: @[sS]?[0-9]+[eE]?[0-9]+
- Add a new row with name: Music with download folder: "D:\Downloads\Music" with unrar folder: "D:\Downloads\Music" with keywords: @\w+-\w+-\w+-\w+-\w+
- Add a new row with name: Default with download folder: "D:\Downloads\".

AltBinz will now load the nzb's automatically and assign them to the correct category.
The category system will split the downloads towards the correct download directories.
Sickbeard/Couchpotato/Headphones will automatically check those download folders for new content and move the content to the correct media folder.

Note: The RegEx keywords aren't in the most optimal form, but I am no RegEx expert. ;) Feel free to post improved versions.

4) (Optional) Setup XBMC and add "E:\Series", "E:\Movies" and "E:\Music" to it's library. This way XBMC will automatically pickup the newly downloaded content.

Done! 8) A fully automated download system from Sickbeard/Couchpotato/Headphones towards XBMC using AltBinz v0.39.9!

Feel free to post improvements! Feel free to make a sticky thread when people find this post usefull!
« Last Edit: November 11, 2012, 01:51:23 pm by Fraslo »

Offline Rdl

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Nice one.

Offline Fraslo

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A little improvement for the tv shows regex: @[sS]\d+[xX\-\.]?[eE]\d+

This way it will also recognize tv shows with an 'x', '-' and '.' character between the season and episode components.

Offline Fraslo

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I don't know if anyone is using this, but here is an update for HeadPhones.

They changed there nzb output filenames, this should work for the almost all music: @.*\s\-\s.*\d{4}

It would be nice/easier if those programs did put an [CouchPotato], [HeadPhones] or [SickBeard] tag in there black hole nzb filenames... ::)
« Last Edit: December 22, 2012, 06:52:24 pm by Fraslo »

Offline koncise

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Great tutorial. Thanks.

Offline hijacker

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Thanks for the great write up

Offline rootsey333

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Thanks for the info but too complicated for a dummy like me!

Offline rmeyers

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I don't have CouchPotato auto-renaming anything, as I found it can't do exactly what I want.  Also, my movies all seem to be downloading to the default folder, and not the _Movies folder I made with your Keywords.  Not sure why.

Offline humptidumpti

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nice, thank you

Offline stephenstud

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Very Nice! Thank you:)