Author Topic: What is your altbinz server config  (Read 7761 times)

Offline betaflye

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What is your altbinz server config
« on: December 04, 2007, 05:39:14 pm »
What is your altbinz server config? Mine is as follows. (usenetserver/highwinds reseller) 3 connections
     Backup Newsplex 2 connections
     Backup Newsplex 3 connections
     Backup Newsplex

Interesting that east and west seem to point to usenetserver, europe points to highwinds media

Newsplex is then configured to try servers in the following order to find missing articles
1. All three 100proofnews servers
2. ISP newserver (UNS)
3. Block accounts (Megabitz, Astraweb and Usenet-news)

I rarely have an incomplete article and my monthly fee is $9.95 USD for unmetered (well I suppose the block accounts too (but I use less than 1MB a day so they'll last a long time). I keep my downloads under 120 days, way more retention than I need.

Newsplex is awesome, any serious user of usenet with multiple servers should consider it.

Offline freeop

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Re: What is your altbinz server config
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2007, 05:15:13 am »
Well until I read your message, all I have/had is one server set up to download on 20 connections. I know that the number of connections are not a big deal after about 4-6, but I use them sparingly.

Now my question to you is, Does 100proof offer SSL? I really like your idea of the low price unlimited downloads and am considering signing up for another account, but for my personal satisfaction, I prefer to use SSL to download files. I know sooner or later they are going to start monitoring Usenet and being prepared in advance makes it a lot easier.

Thanks for your post as it has given me something to look at and consider. I know that there are probably others that do this, or a variation of such, but it does look like the way to go. I just downloaded a set just yesterday, and Altbinz could not unrar the file as there were too many missing parts. Heck, it wouldn't even start downloading the PAR files as there weren't enough to correct the problem. And if I had your set up, or something like it, I would have been able to get all the files.

Oh well, live and learn. Thanks again for your post...

Offline Jesus

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Not using altbinz, but...
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2007, 05:56:50 am »
using SABnzbd/NewsPlex

I want to get as many bytes as possible from my ISP's own network, * (6 hops Minneapolis-Denver).

1. (4 connections to load balancer 14 days retention

NewsPlex fills in missing articles automatically from several free servers: (2 connections each to 8 IP's) only 2 days retention
Bubbanews|Teranews|Yottanews (1 to 4 connections) (2 free servers, 4 connections each)
« Last Edit: December 08, 2007, 03:18:06 am by Jesus »

Offline Jesus

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Re: What is your altbinz server config
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2007, 06:20:53 am »
Interesting that east and west seem to point to usenetserver, europe points to highwinds media
east and west 100proofnews resolves to the same IP address!

Offline betaflye

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Re: What is your altbinz server config
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2007, 07:13:30 am »
I can't believe I failed to overlook the same ip address, it follows the exact route as well. In any case it works well so I'll leave it as is.