Author Topic: When incomplete, position parts on correct position in file (yenc only)  (Read 3579 times)

Offline zoned

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Does 245/246 mean 245 are good parts and 001 part is bad needing more data to complete the xxx.rar part

Does this setting rely on another setting for it to work correctly.

Testing now with a download on the PAR2 screen for the file on the list has 002.rar 245/246 likewise some others are similar. On the download screen with only affected files 245/246 etc loaded to download to same named directory. I see 002.1.rar which I guess should be only the missing 001 bad from 245/246 to make good 246/246

What I see on download is every part (sub part) all 246 are been downloaded again where all file parts are listed as yenc. I would like to think the PAR2 screen (par2 util) would be talking to Alt.Binz saying look for this we only need 1 of 246 to make it 246/246. Position and download that only which is doing so or maybe Alt.Binz doesn't hear the reply so download everything again !

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Re: When incomplete, position parts on correct position in file (yenc only)
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2014, 08:05:09 pm »
I'm afraid I didn't understand a word of that. Please post your problem NZB somewhere so we can figure it out without having to drink a bottle of vodka first. ;)