Author Topic: Alt.Binz und NZB Monkey  (Read 3142 times)

Offline Gnubbel_tubbi

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Alt.Binz und NZB Monkey
« on: November 10, 2019, 02:08:42 am »
Hallo vielen Dank für einen anderen Beitrag hier im Board
Dies habe ich alles geändert aber trotzdem habe ich ein weiteren Problem.
Wie folgt :
 NZB-Monkey v0.2.5
 Called by NZBLNK scheme:

     - Tag     : *REMOVED*
     - Header  : *REMOVED*
     - Password: *REMOVED*

- Searching NZB - Search for best NZB enabled
   with BinSearch ... Connection Error
   with BinSearch - Alternative Server ... Connection Error
   with NZBKing ... Connection Error
   with NZBIndex ... Connection Error
   with Newzleech ... Connection Error

No NZB downloaded!

Close window in 10 second(s)

hier meine .CFG

# Target for handling nzb files - EXECUTE, SABNZBD, NZBGET, or SYNOLOGYDLS
target = EXECUTE

# Let the monkey choose a category. Values are: off, auto, manual
categorize = off

# Debug outputs
debug = False

# Extend password to filename {{password}}
passtofile = True
# Copy password to clipboard
passtoclipboard = False
# Path to save nzb files
nzbsavepath = J:\Downloads
# Don't execute default programm for .nzb
dontexecute = False
# Delete old NZB files from nzbsavepath
clean_up_enable = False
# NZB files older than x days will be deleted
clean_up_max_age = 2
# Last clean up run. Only daily clean up. Set to 0 to force run on next start
clean_up_last_run = 0

# SABnzbd Hostname
host = localhost
# SABnzbd Port
port = 8080
# Use https
ssl = False
# NZB Key
nzbkey =
# Basic Auth Username
basicauth_username =
# Basic Auth Password
basicauth_password =
# Basepath
basepath = sabnzbd
# Category
category =
# Add the nzb paused to the queue
addpaused = False

# NZBGet Host
host = localhost
# NZBGet Port
port = 6789
# Use https
ssl = False
# NZBGet Username
user =
# NZBGet Password
pass =
# Basepath
basepath = xmlrpc
# NZBGet Category
category =
# Add the nzb paused to the queue
addpaused = False

# Downloadstation Host
host = localhost
# Downloadstation Port
port = 5000
# Use https
ssl = False
# Downloadstation Username
user =
# Downloadstation Password
pass =
# Basepath
basepath = webapi

# Don't skip failed nzb
skip_failed = True
# Max missing failed segments
max_missing_segments_percent = 2.0
# Max missing failed files
max_missing_files = 2
# Use always all Searchengines to find the best NZB
best_nzb = True

# Place your category and you regex here
# Please uncomment the following lines

# series = (s\d+e\d+|s\d+ complete)
# movies = (x264|xvid|bluray|720p|1080p|untouched)

# Set values between 0-9
# 0 = disabled; 1-9 = enabled; 1-9 are also the order in which the search engines are used
# More than 1 server with the same order number is allowed
# Enable Binsearch
binsearch = 1
# Enable Binsearch - Alternative Server
binsearch_alternative = 1
# Enable NZBIndex
nzbindex = 1
# Enable NZBKing
nzbking = 1
# Enable Newzleech
newzleech = 1

Bitte um Hilfe, vielen Dank im voraus
« Last Edit: November 15, 2019, 12:48:41 pm by Rdl »

Offline Sucker76

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Re: Alt.Binz und NZB Monkey
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2019, 12:56:09 pm »
Zu NZB-Monkey kann ich nichts sagen, ich bin oldschool, lade eine NZB und importiere sie dann in AltBinz.


Durch Deoppelposting wird die Sache nicht besser...

Offline Fluchtachterl

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Re: Alt.Binz und NZB Monkey
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2019, 05:17:24 pm »
"Close window in 10 second(s)" statt "Close window in 1 second" macht den Unterschied.

Wenn die 10 Sekunden kommen, heißt das NZB-Monkey kann keinen kompletten Upload mehr finden (oder noch nicht).
Wenn das passiert, hast du nur mehr die Chance in NZBKing den Header einzugeben und zu hoffen, dass es der noch findet ;)

Offline abismo

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Re: Alt.Binz und NZB Monkey
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2019, 01:12:58 am »
Bei mir sieht das so aus...

# Target for handling nzb files - EXECUTE, SABNZBD, NZBGET or SYNOLOGYDLS
target = EXECUTE

# Let the monkey choose a category. Values are: off, auto, manual
categorize = off

# Debug outputs
debug = False

# Extend password to filename {{password}}
passtofile = True
# Copy password to clipboard
passtoclipboard = False
# Path to save nzb files
nzbsavepath = C:\Users\abism\Downloads\nzbmonkey\   <------hier musst du deinen eigenen User eintragen!
# Don't execute default programm for .nzb
dontexecute = False
# Delete old NZB files from nzbsavepath
clean_up_enable = False
# NZB files older than x days will be deleted
clean_up_max_age = 2
# Last clean up run. Only daily clean up. Set to 0 to force run on next start
clean_up_last_run = 0

# SABnzbd Hostname
host = localhost
# SABnzbd Port
port = 8080
# Use https
ssl = False
# NZB Key
nzbkey =
# Basic Auth Username
basicauth_username =
# Basic Auth Password
basicauth_password =
# Basepath
basepath = sabnzbd
# Category
category =
# Add the nzb paused to the queue
addpaused = False

# NZBGet Host
host = localhost
# NZBGet Port
port = 6789
# Use https
ssl = False
# NZBGet Username
user =
# NZBGet Password
pass =
# Basepath
basepath = xmlrpc
# NZBGet Category
category =
# Add the nzb paused to the queue
addpaused = False

# Downloadstation Host
host = localhost
# Downloadstation Port
port = 5000
# Use https
ssl = False
# Downloadstation Username
user =
# Downloadstation Password
pass =
# Basepath
basepath = webapi

# Don't skip failed nzb
skip_failed = True
# Max missing failed segments
max_missing_segments_percent = 2.0
# Max missing failed files
max_missing_files = 2
# Use always all Searchengines to find the best NZB
best_nzb = True

# Place your category and you regex here
# Please uncomment the following lines

# series = (s\d+e\d+|s\d+ complete)
# movies = (x264|xvid|bluray|720p|1080p|untouched)

# Set values between 0-9
# 0 = disabled; 1-9 = enabled; 1-9 are also the order in which the search engines are used
# More than 1 server with the same order number is allowed
# Enable Binsearch
binsearch = 2
# Enable Binsearch - Alternative Server
binsearch_alternative = 3
# Enable NZBIndex
nzbindex = 1
# Enable NZBKing
nzbking = 4

Funktioniert mit Chrome einwandfrei, Alt.Binz wird geöffnet
Mit Vivaldi leider nicht, bzw. schon, nur das Alt.Binz nicht gestartet wird. Vivaldi erlaubt es generell nicht, einen Download zu öffnen, daher wird die NZB nur gespeichert. FireFox nutze ich nicht