Alt.Binz forum

Alt.Binz (Other languages) => German (Deutsch) => Topic started by: FredK on August 12, 2016, 04:51:13 pm

Title: Erkennt kein Passwort mehr bei Dateiname im SabNZBd Format.
Post by: FredK on August 12, 2016, 04:51:13 pm
Hi, seit kurzem erkennt Altbinz kein Passwort mehr bei Dateiname im SabNZBd Format.  (Filename z.B.    "Cooler.Film{{password}")

Ich vermute es hängt mit der Passwortliste zusammen.

Oder kann man das irgendwo konfigurieren?
Title: Re: Erkennt kein Passwort mehr bei Dateiname im SabNZBd Format.
Post by: Rdl on August 12, 2016, 05:28:16 pm
{{password}} or {{password} ?

{{password}} is for sure recognized.
Title: Re: Erkennt kein Passwort mehr bei Dateiname im SabNZBd Format.
Post by: FredK on August 12, 2016, 06:20:43 pm
I meant {{password}}, sorry.

Just checked it,

Alt.Binz  0.42 recognizes the password in "Cooler.Film{{password}}" , but Version does not :/
Title: Re: Erkennt kein Passwort mehr bei Dateiname im SabNZBd Format.
Post by: Rdl on August 12, 2016, 06:23:06 pm
Hmm, how is nzb imported? Is it in archive? Via rss?

I need step by step, I can't reproduce this.
Title: Re: Erkennt kein Passwort mehr bei Dateiname im SabNZBd Format.
Post by: FredK on August 12, 2016, 07:06:52 pm
NZB is imported with the alt.binz integrated nzbindex or binsearch search.

In the dialog box of  "add to queue" I copy the real filname that the usenet board provides in sabnzbd format (like "Cooler.Film{{password}}")  instead of the crypted name.

In former versions altbinz parsed the password from the name, but not in the last version .

Title: Re: Erkennt kein Passwort mehr bei Dateiname im SabNZBd Format.
Post by: Rdl on August 12, 2016, 08:15:57 pm
Should be ok in 0.43.1
Title: Re: Erkennt kein Passwort mehr bei Dateiname im SabNZBd Format.
Post by: FredK on August 12, 2016, 08:17:18 pm
great, thank you !
Title: Re: Erkennt kein Passwort mehr bei Dateiname im SabNZBd Format.
Post by: the_wombel on January 12, 2017, 08:51:48 am
Should be ok in 0.43.1

is not ok in 0.43.2... :-[
Title: Re: Erkennt kein Passwort mehr bei Dateiname im SabNZBd Format.
Post by: Rdl on January 12, 2017, 11:05:29 am
It appears to be working as expected.

Write step by step on how to reproduce not working condition.
Title: Re: Erkennt kein Passwort mehr bei Dateiname im SabNZBd Format.
Post by: the_wombel on January 12, 2017, 06:50:29 pm

I go with Firefox to NZB.TO..klick on a NZB-Link to download it..a popup ask me todo with this..i klick open with alt.binz...
tha name is: name_name_name_{{password}}.nzb

in alt.binz is the name: name_name_name_

any hint..??
Title: Re: Erkennt kein Passwort mehr bei Dateiname im SabNZBd Format.
Post by: Rdl on January 12, 2017, 07:55:55 pm
And what exactly is wrong there??
Imported collection named "name_name_name_" with unrar password set to "password"

Yes, before, password part was not strippd from collection name, but in my opinion, that was wrong.
Title: Re: Erkennt kein Passwort mehr bei Dateiname im SabNZBd Format.
Post by: the_wombel on January 12, 2017, 10:28:47 pm
i mean..alt.binz store files in subfolder named *.nzb's name..include password in foldername...but this future is not me..
Title: Re: Erkennt kein Passwort mehr bei Dateiname im SabNZBd Format.
Post by: Rdl on January 13, 2017, 07:24:38 am
No, download folder is without "password" part as it should be.
Title: Re: Erkennt kein Passwort mehr bei Dateiname im SabNZBd Format.
Post by: the_wombel on January 13, 2017, 07:50:34 pm
he password is for the enpacking of the files in it..
Title: Re: Erkennt kein Passwort mehr bei Dateiname im SabNZBd Format.
Post by: Rdl on January 13, 2017, 08:18:44 pm
Yes and it's preset on import... I feel like we're going nowhere with this.
To sum things up:
- you import "filename{{random_pass}}.nzb"
- altbinz will add collection named "filename"
- altbinz will set unrar password to "random_pass"
- altbinz will download files to "location_of_the_download_folder\filename"
- on finished download and par2 checking unrar will be fired with password "random_pass"
- par2 set will be unrared to "location_of_the_unrar_folder\filename"
Title: Re: Erkennt kein Passwort mehr bei Dateiname im SabNZBd Format.
Post by: the_wombel on February 05, 2017, 08:00:32 pm
ok..its working..thanks