Alt.Binz forum
Alt.Binz (Other languages) => German (Deutsch) => Topic started by: FredK on August 12, 2016, 04:51:13 pm
Hi, seit kurzem erkennt Altbinz kein Passwort mehr bei Dateiname im SabNZBd Format. (Filename z.B. "Cooler.Film{{password}")
Ich vermute es hängt mit der Passwortliste zusammen.
Oder kann man das irgendwo konfigurieren?
{{password}} or {{password} ?
{{password}} is for sure recognized.
I meant {{password}}, sorry.
Just checked it,
Alt.Binz 0.42 recognizes the password in "Cooler.Film{{password}}" , but Version does not :/
Hmm, how is nzb imported? Is it in archive? Via rss?
I need step by step, I can't reproduce this.
NZB is imported with the alt.binz integrated nzbindex or binsearch search.
In the dialog box of "add to queue" I copy the real filname that the usenet board provides in sabnzbd format (like "Cooler.Film{{password}}") instead of the crypted name.
In former versions altbinz parsed the password from the name, but not in the last version .
Should be ok in 0.43.1
great, thank you !
Should be ok in 0.43.1
is not ok in 0.43.2... :-[
It appears to be working as expected.
Write step by step on how to reproduce not working condition.
I go with Firefox to NZB.TO..klick on a NZB-Link to download it..a popup ask me todo with this..i klick open with alt.binz...
tha name is: name_name_name_{{password}}.nzb
in alt.binz is the name: name_name_name_
any hint..??
And what exactly is wrong there??
Imported collection named "name_name_name_" with unrar password set to "password"
Yes, before, password part was not strippd from collection name, but in my opinion, that was wrong.
i mean..alt.binz store files in subfolder named *.nzb's name..include password in foldername...but this future is not me..
No, download folder is without "password" part as it should be.
he password is for the enpacking of the files in it..
Yes and it's preset on import... I feel like we're going nowhere with this.
To sum things up:
- you import "filename{{random_pass}}.nzb"
- altbinz will add collection named "filename"
- altbinz will set unrar password to "random_pass"
- altbinz will download files to "location_of_the_download_folder\filename"
- on finished download and par2 checking unrar will be fired with password "random_pass"
- par2 set will be unrared to "location_of_the_unrar_folder\filename"
ok..its working..thanks