Author Topic: !!! Read before asking !!!  (Read 22244 times)

Offline cr4zyfr4g

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!!! Read before asking !!!
« on: May 09, 2008, 10:14:06 am »
Before asking for help read our sticky topics in this section and take a look at

Problem solving

We have also a Wiki explaing almost everything you are looking for:

Alt.Binz Wiki

If you want to post a topic here follow this simple things.
It will make it easier for you and for us:

1. Make sure a topic about that does not already exist. You can post in that topic

2. Make sure the question is not covered by the links posted above

3. Make sure the question is Alt.Binz related. We don't tolerate questions like where can if find x etc..

4. Please describe your problem as detailed as possible.

5. Tell us what your log says, but only copy relevant lines! you can blur out filenames of course

6. Tell us your OS, firewall and Alt.Binz version (you can find that by clicking on the about button).
« Last Edit: August 14, 2008, 09:41:06 am by cr4zyfr4g »