Author Topic: 0.26.5: rss auto download takes forever and dosent link pars  (Read 4148 times)

Offline cptr2

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0.26.5: rss auto download takes forever and dosent link pars
« on: November 07, 2007, 05:54:26 am »
Whoever the rss matches something you can see it in the rss tab and it is green but takes from 30 seconds or min to que each match. When i manually add the items from the rss they import and appear immediately. I understand maybe a small delay between downloads of the nzbs from the rss server but not over 30 seconds where you start to wounder if its even working.

Also, when  I manually que a download and its counterpart par files they link in the download page under the same subject but when they are grabbed automatically by the rss they do not link  under the same subject. It kinda defeats the automatic checking and extracting if the archive and the par files are separated.

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0.26.5: rss auto download takes forever and dosent link pars
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2007, 07:56:50 am »
Add to queue interval: this is not a bug, it's how Alt.binz works.  It's server-friendly, and really it shouldn't matter to users, since nobody needs to be sitting in front of the RSS tab waiting for downloads.  

For the other, make sure you check the Release Name option, then in Setup > NZB > 'Merge collections with same name on import'.

As neither of these are bugs, I'm moving this to the Help forum.


Offline cptr2

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0.26.5: rss auto download takes forever and dosent link pars
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2007, 08:27:12 am »
the 'Merge collections with same name on import' is checked. It will merge them if i manually queue the par2 file set and the archive. However when they are qued automatically by the rss (after waiting for them to que) then they do not merge.

I don't see how waiting  30 seconds between request is any more friendly then requesting them 5 seconds apart. Its the same amount of data, same request, same http transfer. Its not like every computer loading the rss feed are all synced. In fact since it waits so long to request them, it created a new connection to the server for every request. I think it  could be said that its truly less server friendly if you wait and then open a new connection to the server for every request as opposed to using the same socket connection. Also depending on the rss feed, if they enforce a minimum check interval or else your ip will be baned, and depending on how thy determine that, the subsequent connection to get the files may be seen as another rss request if they go by the connection requests to the server and not by calls to the rss feed itself. Not trying to argue or anything, but just trying to look at the reasoning and i can understand why nobody my  need it  any other way, but sure annoying getting it setup and started and testing the filters.

Offline cr4zyfr4g

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0.26.5: rss auto download takes forever and dosent link pars
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2007, 08:37:29 am »
Quote from: "Hecks"

For the other, make sure you check the Release Name option,

Offline cptr2

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0.26.5: rss auto download takes forever and dosent link pars
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2007, 09:09:53 am »

I  goto the rss tab and right click 2 files and click "add to queue" on item A and B. Item A is the archive and item B is the par2 files. I then go over to the download tab and they are  grouped together under the same collection. I then delete them from the download area and clean up and go back to the rss tab. I then  make a filter that will download the same 2 items as i tested before item A and item B. I then press the timer button. it then gets item A and item B but then when i goto the download tab  they are not merged. How would the names have changed in just the way that they are grabbed.  they merge if i manually add them on the rss tab but not if the auto downloader gets them.

Offline cr4zyfr4g

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0.26.5: rss auto download takes forever and dosent link pars
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2007, 11:52:50 am »
i am using rss myself and had no problems so far.

Are you sure you have activated "release names " in rss tab?

Offline cptr2

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0.26.5: rss auto download takes forever and dosent link pars
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2007, 04:57:46 pm »
Quote from: "cr4zyfr4g"
Are you sure you have activated "release names " in rss tab?

Ahhh thank you that did it I thought you were saying check the release names if they are the same. Never saw that option until now.