Author Topic: 2 Servers... one has all files, the other has only a few...  (Read 2225 times)


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2 Servers... one has all files, the other has only a few...
« on: December 03, 2007, 05:30:33 am »
Ok this might be a bit hard to explain but I have access to two different newsservers that were offered by ISPs.  Server A has unlimited speed but only a 1-2 day retention (it sucks)..., while Server B has only 250 kb/s but with a 20 day retention. 

I have my Alt.binz program setup to connect to both servers.. Problem is, if I add something to my queue then the program will start downloading from both servers... but when it reaches a file that's missing on Server A, it will skip the file completely, even though Server B has the file.  Server B usually has all the files needed since they have a longer retention but server A only keeps stuff for a day, and most of their files are incomplete.  I just like using server A to maximize my download speed for my bandwidth.

Is there a way to tell Alt.Binz to skip the file if it's missing on server A and have server B download it when it's ready?  Any help or suggestions would be appreciated and welcomed.


Offline Rdl

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Re: 2 Servers... one has all files, the other has only a few...
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2007, 06:39:00 am »
Try something like this:

Server A
   --Server B

Server B
   --Server A

So you should add both servers as primaries and the other one as their backup.