Author Topic: 502 error: Bad username/password  (Read 2547 times)


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502 error: Bad username/password
« on: November 25, 2008, 12:37:32 am »
Hi, I have been using altbinz for over a year and it used to work fine and I havnt done anything different. A few weeks ago, in the bottom half of the screen under 'action' it say cannot connect, and under 'description' it says bad username/password. I have never put in a username or password. I dont know what it wants! I tried downloading the newer version of the program, but it didnt help. Any ideas?

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Re: 502 error: Bad username/password
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2008, 01:15:26 am »
Contact your ISP or whoever provides your newsgroup access - this is a question for them.