Author Topic: ALL dvd video files corrupt/pixellated after successful repair and unrar  (Read 2479 times)

Offline Pontiac

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Hi All,

Really weird problem I'm having here. I download a hell of a lot of dvd video files in rar archives (iso/img and video_ts folders) using altbinz and have been for years. Anyway just recently I've had a lot of issues with bits of pixellation through the scenes of the movies. It doesn't last long maybe a split second, but a 5 minute scene may have 20 or 30 bits of pixellation in it. This is after repair and successful extract using altbinz. This is on several dozen video files downloading using giganews (files are about 200 days old on server) and all required repair.

Anyway I thought the problem may be altbinz as I recently updated the program, I thought somehow the par2 repair was corrupt in someway? Even though the files successfully extract and repair. Anyway thats out the window and I installed sabnzbd and that has exactly the same problem on the files in  question.

Could the files be corrupt on the server? But if so, shouldnt a successful repair and unrar cure that? Doesn't a successful repair and unrar guarantee everything is as it should be? I'm at my wits end here with the cause of the problem? I thought maybe it was the codes I was using that was corrupt, but playing them on another computer reveals the pixellation aswell in the exact same places.

Offline Rdl

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I would check memory and HDs

Offline Pontiac

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Thanks RDL, but I dont think that's it. Other files (like mvks) Im downloading play fine and without any pixellation/blocky artefacts that I'm experience with these particular dvd video files.

I also should have mentioned that during the blocky scenes the audio stutters for a split second. It's like when you've burned something and it's a bad burn, you get skipping/pixellation during certain points. But the files I have this problem with haven't been burnt, im reading them from the image. God this is weird and it's driving me nuts.

I've tried playing from a different source (my wdtv live) playing from a different hard drive, extracting the raw video from the files and playing from that instead of the dvd iso, redownloading and re-repairing the affected files with a different client... what a weird problem this is!!! all affected DVD videofiles time and time again have the exact same blockiness in the exact same places.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2012, 11:38:19 pm by Pontiac »

Offline Hecks

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To debug, download one of the files again. If the same problems happen in the same places, you know it's a problem with the files; if not, a problem with corruption.

Offline Pontiac

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Thanks for your thoughts, Hecks. I basically ruled out every possible explanation except for the fact that the isos/dvds I was downloading with blockiness and pixels in parts were already like that before they were packed, hence even when repaired they would still be imperfect.

Offline Rdl

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Thanks for your thoughts, Hecks. I basically ruled out every possible explanation except for the fact that the isos/dvds I was downloading with blockiness and pixels in parts were already like that before they were packed, hence even when repaired they would still be imperfect.
I would still download(repeair and extract) same iso on both computers and then calculate md5 hash on both of them. If your theory is right then you should get the same md5 hash on both computers.