Author Topic: Alt.Binz issues  (Read 4424 times)


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Alt.Binz issues
« on: October 26, 2010, 05:00:33 am »
I have been testing and using your newsgroup program since about mid August and have liked it somewhat.  I really wish there were features to be able to browse newsgroups from within the program (which there appears to have that functionality but it seems disabled).  I have noticed some later versions and am wondering how active is this program and if I was to donate does the newer version allow things such as in-program browsing of the newsgroups, etc. and will/are there consistent updates?  I am using version 0.25.0 and as of today have run into a problem and am curious if it is because the program is too far out of date or what.  My current provider is Power Usenet and my account is currently active.  I am able to log into their website using my account name and password and the site lists my account as active and I have a current charge from 2 days ago where they charged my card again for this month's service.  When I go to hit the connect button in Alt.Binz, I get this message: 481 invalid username or password.  Is this problem already known and is there anything I can do to correct it?  I have recently installed the Avast Internet Security suite but even with the firewall disabled, it still returns the error above.

Also, if I decide to donate, how much in USD would I have to donate to get access to the newer software?

I have received the following message from Powerusenet's support:
>>Hello Nicholas ,
>>I'm sorry that you are having problems connecting to us.  We are not experiencing any problems that would be stopping >>you from connecting.  I've reviewed our server logs and don't see any connection attempts from your account.  This >>would suggest that something on your local computer or network is blocking your connections.

I will be trying different things to make sure its nothing wrong with my internal network.

Thank you,
« Last Edit: October 26, 2010, 05:03:28 am by sharkck »


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Re: Alt.Binz issues
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2010, 05:26:55 am »
It appears the email shield and the anti email spam modules inside Avast block Alt.Binz for some reason.  So that problem is solved.  I would still like to know more about the other things I mentioned.

Thank you!

Offline Hecks

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Re: Alt.Binz issues
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2010, 08:24:24 am »
These links should answer most if not all of your questions. Firstly, the Version History since 0.25.0:

Secondly, info about donations and accessing new versions:

For the rest, it's probably best to spend a bit of time browsing the different forums first. ;)

Offline davidq666

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Re: Alt.Binz issues
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2010, 08:32:57 am »
Well newsgroupbrowsing is possible in 0.31.6 via newzleech and nzbindex. browsing via binsearch isn't in 0.31.6, but it's already fixed in 0.31.7 which is anounced to be released today. It is acitvely developed, but update intervall depends greatly on how much spare time the developer has for this side project. As a reference since 0.25.0 was released (a little over 3 years ago) there have been 33 updates so far. the conversion from $ to Euro is either done by paypal or by the creditcard u use and is fluctuating.