Author Topic: Alt.Binz v0.43.0.2 - Error while converting old RSS data to a new database forma  (Read 1900 times)

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Hey guys, long time alt.binz user, i had Alt.binz running (but not processing the queue) over night, i woke up this morning, and alt.binz had crashed while idling. I reopened it, and now i get several popups on startup

"Error while converting old RSS data to new database format. contact the author regarding this bug" <ok>

i press OK

"Error while initializing newznab DB. contact the author regarding this bug" <ok>

i press OK

"Error while initializing download history DB. contact the author regarding this bug" <ok>

i press OK

"Error while initializing speed&quota history DB. contact the author regarding this bug" <ok>

i press OK

"Error while initializing misc. stat DB contact the author regarding this bug" <ok>

i press OK

"SQLite3 Error 1 - cannot rollback - no transaction is active" <ok>

i press OK

"Cannot focus on a disabled or invisible window. <ok>

i press OK.

It finally loads up, my config is there, but my queue and par tabs are empty?

any suggestions on how i can fix up my errors?

I've tried restoring a backup of my c:\program files (x86)\alt.binz\ folder from yesterday. no change

Offline Rdl

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This is what happens when you go from 0.43.0 to 0.44.2 AND THEN BACK TO 0.43.0

Setting/queues/... are not in c:\program files (x86)\alt.binz\ if you're not running in portable mode from that folder (highly unlikely)
For location see FAQ

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Hrmm, i didnt try to upgrade to v0.44.2 until after making this post (i have the same problem still).

Should i uninstall, and reinstall?

Offline Rdl

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Yes you did. You got PM with log.

Problem as in error regarding database or queue and par2 gone?
If first, exit altbinz and then delete relevant files in misc folder (as before, for location see FAQ) like rssdb.abz and similar.
If second, there is nothing to do if you didn't have backup (of misc and queue folder)

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Thanks RDL, i really do appreciate the help!

In the logs that you sent over, you can clearly see that i opened/closed alt.binz v0.43.0 a bunch of times, roughly 1 minute apart (receiving the same issues posted in this thread), then i tried the 0.44.2 binaries. had the same problem. Then i restored all of the known alt.binz directories back to last night (that is why there is a 5min gap between running 0.44.2 and 0.43.0 - that was the actual restore time).

i have alt.binz running again and i appreciate the help!