Author Topic: Alt.binz with Avast anti anti virus  (Read 1960 times)

Offline srqrob

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Alt.binz with Avast anti anti virus
« on: November 07, 2017, 11:49:31 pm »
Switched from Kaspersky to Avast anti virus programs.  Can't connect any longer.  Turn off Avast and connects right away.  Help or link to answer appreciated.  Alt.binz is the best!

Offline chewie4u

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Re: Alt.binz with Avast anti anti virus
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2017, 01:24:30 am »
Could be many things : Avast firewall rules, max number of connections permitted by Avast email shield and anti spam modules...

Check Avast firewall settings first (authorised apps, opened ports, check the port you are using in altbinz server settings, SSL ones are different), try lowering the max number of connections in altbinz etc.

If u still got issues, just type "Avast" in the search box in this forum (top right of the page) and see if you find a fix (those are pretty old forums posts but who knows...).

Offline dabrown

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Re: Alt.binz with Avast anti anti virus
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2017, 01:44:13 am »
Since Avast and AVG are now one company, I'll take a stab in the dark here (as I have AVG) - go in to email settings and see if there is an option for NNTP - if there is, turn it OFF.  That is one place AVG screwed me when they first rolled out the Avast/AVG combo new engine.

The other thing is, go into the firewall, and I know this is a little risky, but change the options on Alt.Binz so all TCP and UDP ports are allowed in and out.  Take a NOTE of what they are set to *BEFORE* you do this, because it may not be necessary and you can roll them back to their original settings.

Alt.Binz doesn't really use that many ports - what might get you is a news server with a non-standard port - but if it is 119, 443 or 563 they should already be open.

Hope that helps