Author Topic: altbinz does not connect to server  (Read 4950 times)


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altbinz does not connect to server
« on: August 18, 2007, 02:31:59 am »
hello,i've a payserver and it doesn't connect to alt.binz.
Is it the router or my firewall maybe?
so yes how can i see that, and what can i do about it?
my server is chello and my payxerver is xl-ned

thans ria

Offline Gompy

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altbinz does not connect to server
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2007, 05:47:44 pm »

Don't think this is a bug, despite of you posted your message in the Bugs topic.

Alt.binz is a binary newsreader and as far as I know, Chello doesn't support binary newsgroups anymore, but xl-ned should work I think.
How did you setup the serverpart of Alt.binz?
Port 119? Did you click on the Connect button? Fill in the authentication part?

We need more information...

(If you are Dutch, look overhere:)

Regards, Gompy


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altbinz does not connect to server
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2007, 06:49:12 pm »
HI GOMPY,YES I DID all that,poort 119,authentication etc...but alt.binz gives the message could not connect.I 've now a free server extra
Quote from: "Gompy"
ect but nothing happens.

Quote from: Gompy

Don't think this is a bug, despite of you posted your message in the Bugs topic.

Alt.binz is a binary newsreader and as far as I know, Chello doesn't support binary newsgroups anymore, but xl-ned should work I think.
How did you setup the serverpart of Alt.binz?
Port 119? Did you click on the Connect button? Fill in the authentication part?

We need more information...

(If you are Dutch, look overhere:)

Regards, Gompy

Offline Gompy

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altbinz does not connect to server
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2007, 10:48:06 pm »
Quote from: "ria1961"
HI GOMPY,YES I DID all that,poort 119,authentication etc...but alt.binz gives the message could not connect.I 've now a free server extra

Hi Ria,

If the free server works, the other shall do the same!

It's a little bit more information you give, but not enough to get our magic bulb started, sorry.

Did you allow Alt.binz to pass your firewall?

Have you met this problem before with other newsreaders?
If not, how did you setup this reader, your firewall etc..

Have you done a search in the forum first for your problem?

Regards, Gompy


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Re: altbinz does not connect to server
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2007, 05:25:23 am »
Quote from: "ria1961"
hello,i've a payserver and it doesn't connect to alt.binz.
Is it the router or my firewall maybe?
so yes how can i see that, and what can i do about it?
my server is chello and my payxerver is xl-ned

thans ria

mijn server kan ok niet op een connectie komen hij zegt could not connect wat moet ik doen ik heb een betaal server bij download2day gebruik poort 119 met het juiste aderes alles 3dubbel nagekeken net had hij volgens mij heel even verbinding maar drukte het prongeluk weg dit kreeg ik waarschijnelijk omdat ik mijn fierwal uit heb gezet hij staat op dit moment nog steeds uit maar logt nog niet in ik kan wel Yabse zoeken naar bestanden maar hij download niet

i can't speak correctly inglish this is ride in dutch you can answer in inglisch i can read it but can't ride correctly inglisch just a little bit and verry slow i hope you can tell me more about it if you need information you can answer this letter or mail to or thanks for all of you