Author Topic: Auto Repair, unrar and help please  (Read 2604 times)

Offline recro

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Auto Repair, unrar and help please
« on: December 07, 2012, 11:19:54 am »
Hi need some help please.

I normally included all par files unpaused, I am getting issues where the autorepair is not working, yet load quickpar up on it's on and it works and repairs fine.  This is an issue when there are many multiple parts to a source.  For example a source may have 24 parts with 24 quickpar files, sometimes the initial par2 file is missing but the par2 000+01, 001+02, etc are all present but altbinz fails to repair.  Furthermore sometimes when repaired manually altbinz will not then unrar automatically.

I have tried looking at different settings, it appears if the pack doesnot need repairing everything unrars and deletes the source files fine and others repair, delete quickpar files but fails to unrar and again has to be done manually.

Struggled with this for a while now and sure there must be something simple I am overlooking.


Thanks for help