Author Topic: autoimport  (Read 2804 times)

Offline sphaas

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« on: March 29, 2009, 01:54:47 am »
I'm trying to be a good learner without the greatest of computer intelligence.  I've spent the day reading topics...blah, blah, blah....  I downloaded a large file that I can't seem to find a way to play, so I went back to the instructions and tried to follow carefully.  When I got to the sxn to download/test the system none of the search engines worked, so I found that I needed to donate.  I donated but "rdl" hasn't had time to find this and change me to a contributor.  So...I read in some of the many guides that I have read to download an "NZB" file and set the settings for autoimport to pull this file in automatically.  I'm using NZBmatrix.  As a note of interest, I do have the 9Gb file loaded onto my computer, and I think that it has gone through the whole deal (rar/unrar/par or whatever).  I just can't figure out how to play the thing.  I'm also prepared to make an NZB file to test how everything is going.

Shorter version:  Help.

Offline Ascathon

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Re: autoimport
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2009, 12:38:05 pm »
First: You are a contributor now.
Second: Whats wrong with the autoimport (why is it in the subject)?
Third: I still dont really get what you want (but that might be just me). What do you want to play? The downloaded files are (extracted) somewhere on your disk.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2009, 12:39:59 pm by Ascathon »
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Offline sphaas

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Re: autoimport
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2009, 04:07:57 pm »
Sorry, I did wander a bit on two subjects.
First:  Thanks for making me a contributor and more thanks for the software.
Second:  I wanted to set up the autoimport, so when I downloaded a file from NZBmatrix it would automatically get pulled into altbinz.  In altbinz's setup it has a location (autoimport) for doing this I think.  I don't understand how to direct a NZBmatrix download to a specific location that altbinz can then see and work with.  I get the feeling that I'm misunderstanding what autoimport is.
Third:  I do have downloaded files on my drive and I believe they have been unrared and pared.  I don't know what to do next.  Obviously there must be some step I need to take to make these files useful to me so I can read/watch the output.

Thanks for your patience.

Offline Ascathon

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Re: autoimport
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2009, 04:13:18 pm »
Thank rdl for making you a contributor. :)

Auto import: This is a folder AltBinz checks for NZB files. Lets say your Desktop. If you download a NZB (from NZBmatrix) you have to save the file to the Desktop. Each minuten AltBinz polls this folder for new NZB files.

On the third thing. What did you download? If the files are extracted...what do you want to do with them? I would say, go to the download folder and play with them. :P
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Offline sphaas

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Re: autoimport
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2009, 05:33:29 pm »
OK, now I'm getting somewhere, and I will thank rdl.

I now understand the autoimport.  I simply need to save the NZBmatrix file to a set location which is noted in the autoimport slot and altbinz will look there automatically.  I can do this and figure this out.  Thank you.

I was able to finally play an avi file that I had downloaded.  I downloaded the entire season of a TV program.  I found the 1st episode was made into an avi file.  I have been able to play this.

My next question is how do I get rid of all of the other files (say the ones that end in rarx) that are not needed.  Also, how do I get the other season episodes to turn into avi files that I can play.  It looks like they are also downloaded, but I don't seem to have the avi files for these other episodes.