Author Topic: AutoImport as paused / Disconnect on Complete  (Read 6837 times)

Offline murf78

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AutoImport as paused / Disconnect on Complete
« on: March 08, 2011, 10:43:12 am »
I'm using SickBeard to automatically grab NZB files into a folder that Alt.Binz is set to auto import from. What I am looking for (and this may end up being a feature request, but I thought I would check here first) is some way to allow approvals of the automatically downloaded NZB's...

At the moment, I manually open Alt.Binz, without "Automatically push connect" selected. Which opens Alt.Binz and automatically imports any waiting NZB's. (a new feature which does help, admittedly) Once I have seen the newly imported NZB's, I connect, and set the "Shutdown" with a "Just close Alt.Binz" option. This lets me review the NZB's before downloading, and shutdown Alt.Binz once they are finished.

However, I think this could be handled better, as it is a pain to have to keep closing and reopening Alt.Binz... The options I can see are:
- Have an extra "Shutdown" option that is just "Disconnect", which would be OK, as long as no extra NZB's are auto imported while connected.
- Add an option to pause any NZB's that are auto imported

Is there some way of achieving something similar to what I'm after that I haven't worked out yet, or should I just submit a feature request?

Offline dacaid

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Re: AutoImport as paused / Disconnect on Complete
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2011, 11:00:56 am »
Why do you need to connect / close alt.binz?

Not sure i get it right, but you could just :
- tick "connected while idle" in settings->connexion
- tick "autopush connect button" in settings->Miscellaneous

This way, you only have to launch altbinz once and keep it running.
You just have to grab your nzb files in your autoimport folder.
Altbinz will automatically import the collection and download.

It seems so obvious to me, i might misunderstand your needs  ::)

[edit] oh, i think i get it, you don't want to download every collection you get in those NZB ?
i'll think a bit harder with what we ve got already
« Last Edit: March 08, 2011, 11:02:36 am by dacaid »

Offline murf78

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Re: AutoImport as paused / Disconnect on Complete
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2011, 11:16:15 am »
Yep, you got it the second time. As the NZB's that are auto imported are grabbed automatically, I want to run my eye over them before they are actually processed and downloaded by Alt.Binz. That way if someone decides to make a silly edit to an online database, or some other situation arises that means a whole stack of NZB files are grabbed which I don't really need, I can review and fix them before they are actually downloaded.

I've tried unticking the "connected while idle" option, and yes, it disconnects, but if a new NZB is imported, it reconnects and downloads the collection before disconnecting again. Ideally, if it completely disconnected and didn't reconnect until I re-clicked "connect" that would work for me. I still think the "auto-import as paused" would be a better option, as that would mean I could a approve a set of collections to download, and if any came in while it was still downloading and connected, they would not download until I had a chance to approve them.

I hope this is making sense,

Offline davidq666

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Re: AutoImport as paused / Disconnect on Complete
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2011, 11:20:19 am »
could settings misc-> Autopush pause be a useful option for u?

Offline murf78

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Re: AutoImport as paused / Disconnect on Complete
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2011, 11:43:43 am »
Hi DavidQ,
Thanks for your suggestion, but the Autopush pause is only on startup, so without Autopush connect selected there is no real difference. I would still need to click the shutdown so that no new NZB's get downloaded, and that puts me back where I was.

Offline davidq666

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Re: AutoImport as paused / Disconnect on Complete
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2011, 12:21:59 pm »
u could simply let alt.binz connect and stay open and since it's paused nothing gets downloaded until u unpause it. or do u want to add collections while the others download?

Offline murf78

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Re: AutoImport as paused / Disconnect on Complete
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2011, 12:28:28 pm »
Like I mentioned in my original post, I have another program automatically grabbing my NZB's for me and putting them in an auto-import folder. I don't want anything to download until I have reviewed it. The autopush pause will work ok for the first time I open Alt.Binz, but once I have un-paused Alt.binz, it would need to auto pause again when the queue is completed, so that nothing else is downloaded until I have reviewed it. This is currently not an option that I can see, and it is starting to look like there is no way around it.

Offline davidq666

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Re: AutoImport as paused / Disconnect on Complete
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2011, 12:41:45 pm »
yea i see an option to import all external nzb/autoimported nzbs as paused would be nice. i am not sure but i think some time ago manualy imported nzbs were automaticaly imported as paused.

Offline murf78

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Re: AutoImport as paused / Disconnect on Complete
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2011, 09:11:07 pm »