Author Topic: Backup Server Setup Guide (and other Questions)  (Read 3139 times)

Offline zoned

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Backup Server Setup Guide (and other Questions)
« on: February 18, 2014, 06:37:39 pm »
For long while I have avoided this one I have asked but never figured it until now. When try I have entered details for a new server like so.

1. Close Altbinz config setup and re-enter it if you already have servers highlighted, there is no add a new server button for use.
2. Now at servers config again enter details for first server the fastest and most connections maybe! your choice. After enter all details for server select Apply
3. Highlight the server then select 'Add As Backup' to right of 'Add As Primary' sometimes it stays shaded play around until it is available to select then select it.
4. Unti it is like this..
+-[] Server name (top server)
    ..[] Server name (lower backup server)
The lower backup server is an exact copy same details as server above) This may confuse some people this, but don't select 'Add As Backup' again. Now you need only to clear all the details the lower server has. Then enter your backup server details there,
5. Select each box with a Check in the boxes (tick the two boxes) then select 'Apply'.
6. All done add more servers if required or do the above again for other primary and backup servers. (I say primary again I haven't had the need to select Add As Primary as it works.)


1. When do we need to select 'Add As Primary' I have never done that and all works ok even with the above.

2. When top server has more connections set than the bottom server there is a bug.
2a. The top server has been setup to use 10 connections.
2b. The lower backup server has been setup to use 5 connections.
2c. When top server cannot proceed because of low retention the lower backup server kicks in. But now that leaves 5 connections and they are trying the backup lower server. I guess they should have ended when lower backup server started. And as the remainder of the download could take a while would be better for unattended downloading to do so. Maybe this is similar or same bug that may have been mentioned previously excuse this if that is so.

Or maybe it is better not to do 1. to 6. above just add each new server as single entities. So they keep their own server set number of connections and not allow use of more connections ? 

3. Future or now.. When posts start singing y(d)mca the upper server post downloads. Where they don't 404 error or similar will the bottom server kick in still. Ask as have seen these types of post recently change and look different. Though yet not caught with unattended downloading without logging to preserve cpu resources.