Author Topic: Can i save it?  (Read 2447 times)


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Can i save it?
« on: April 16, 2008, 04:19:01 am »
I have recently downloaded a file (8Gb) which has according to AltBinz (Par2) is 280 blocks short of it's 2600. (Astraweb stuff up!)
The repair files won't be enough to fix it, is there any way i can perhaps make an NZB or PAR2 file myself, and just get those 280 blocks?

I have around 65 files with 1 or 4 blocks missing on each, I would prefer to try and save it, rather than use another 8Gb's of quota, but wondering if it realistically this sounds feesible to fix?.  Is it possible to do somehow and any pointers on how to? I also had Alt-Binz just download the files over the top of the originals, while this has in the past.... This time it downloads a few Kb (which is good) but no more blocks appear.

Thanks for any help on the matter.

Offline Hecks

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Re: Can i save it?
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2008, 08:20:53 am »
If files are incomplete or corrupt, and there aren't enough par2 blocks to repair them, then you're out of luck.


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Re: Can i save it?
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2008, 12:43:20 am »
How old is the post? You could try getting a block account from another provider to pick up the missing/incomplete files.

For example offers cheap block accounts that never expire. You can set this as your backup server so AltBinz will automatically check there for incompletes on your main server. Their retention is around 100 days so if it's older than that it won't be there.


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Re: Can i save it?
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2008, 10:21:58 am »
Thanks, I have both Astraweb and Giganews...
So the files themsevles are fine Astraweb last week had a server crash, which led to incomplete files been downloaded.

But because 65 out of 70 files were all missing a few blocks, it tends to seem to be a waste to download 2800 blocks, when only 280 of them are missing...This was a suggestion that was given to me: I'm not actually sure of how to do steps 1 and 2, or can't see how step 2 is actually possible, or if indeed it could help.

"1. Create an nzb of your files.
2. Work out which segment is missing from each file.
3. Open the nzb file in a text editor, and modify each file so that it only needs to download the missing part(s).
4. Save and download your new nzb [using Giganews]. Save them to a different folder, so you don't run into any problems.
5. Manually add those file segments into QuickPar, and then it should be able to repair the whole archive for you."

Anyway I've decided to get all 7.5Gb again, which really uses my whole monthly quota, because of an Astraweb stuff-up....
But i guess it will all work okay at least...

Thanks for the replies.

Offline Hecks

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Re: Can i save it?
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2008, 10:27:54 am »
Ah, I see.  Step 1 is simple: Just search & select an individual rar file and add it to the queue.  Then delete it from the queue, and go to the folder where that NZB will have been saved, and open it in Notepad.  There you'll see all of the article parts listed.

As for Step 2, your Alt.Binz Log should have listed exactly which parts (e.g. [2/45]) weren't downloaded and why.  Then just delete all but those from your NZB and follow the rest of the instructions.