Author Topic: Can't authenticate behind proxy server  (Read 1792 times)

Offline necrocowboy

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Can't authenticate behind proxy server
« on: December 14, 2009, 06:12:41 pm »

I'm trying to connect through company proxy but am unable to connect.  Our proxy server serves its details via a .pac file rather than IP address & port.  I have entered both the .pac address and the internal resolved IP address of the proxy in the proxy / firewall & http / firewalll sections but am still unable to connect - error message says primary failed, trying secondary, etc.

I know that this is due to my proxy setting but I'm after any advice / guidance on how I can configure alt.binz to work with the proxy server address I have (http://autoproxy.<private>.com/proxy.pac


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Re: Can't authenticate behind proxy server
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2009, 06:36:39 pm »
Have you tried different ports, 80, 443, I'm guessing 119 is blocked by default.  Although I think you're crazy trying to bypass this stuff at work.  That's just asking for unamused phonecalls from your IT & HR depts