Author Topic: Cant maximize from tray  (Read 2112 times)


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Cant maximize from tray
« on: January 03, 2010, 09:56:25 am »
I need help something really strange has happened, Altbinz has been working fine up untill now, but for some reason Altbinz has started starting minimized in the bottom right tray, if i click to maximize it all that happens is it appears in the left taskbar with no opition to maximize i'm unable to do anything, it appears to be working from the small preview windows that appears when i hover over it, what has happened please ?

I have also uninstalled and reinstalled and its still the same

Im using firefox and vista if it helps
« Last Edit: January 03, 2010, 08:16:27 pm by -Cobra- »

Offline copse

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Re: Cant maximize from tray
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2010, 05:53:48 am »
Maybe you are experiencing this bug I just reported earlier?  There's a workaround for it, at the end of the post.


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Re: Cant maximize from tray
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2010, 06:42:27 am »
Thanks for responding Copse,
But i had given up waiting on someone here helping and had ask elsewhere and the answer i got was
2 things to try:
Click the program on the taskbar so that it is highlighted, then press Alt+space+M
Then use the arrow keys to move. Move your mouse, and you should see the application.

or 2
Right click on the shortcut icon, select Properties and on the Shortcut tab under Run: see if you can select
maximized from the drop down. If you can, then Apply and OKtwo things to try:
Click the program on the taskbar so that it is highlighted, then press Alt+space+M
Then use the arrow keys to move. Move your mouse, and you should see the application.

and i found that No1 worked
It would seem that ether no one here has had the same problem as me or they just couldnt be boovered to reply but thanks for trying my friend nice one and happy new year