Author Topic: Change UnRar filenames  (Read 1966 times)


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Change UnRar filenames
« on: December 20, 2008, 09:52:46 pm »

I've just started using Alt.Binz and i have to say its the best nzb downloader i have ever used. I have everything setup the way i want it, but theres one thing i can not seem to change. When ever i download a movie file, it extracts to a folder that's named lets say "Move Title (2008)", and inside that folder is the movie file but its named liked "nedivx-moviename" instead of the nice layout of the folder name. Is there a way to automatically change it to the folder name layout instead of the ugly file name? Would make organization easier and a lot nicer. Thanks fellas,


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Re: Change UnRar filenames
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2008, 12:34:50 pm »
renaming ughhh  ;D

you could do that with an execute command on completion, but that is oly available in "donatin versions"