Author Topic: Connected & downloading but it still stays at 0%...  (Read 3572 times)


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Connected & downloading but it still stays at 0%...
« on: August 28, 2007, 12:48:02 am »
I need help and i got everything right i believe.... my server address is and port 119, when i connect it says connected and authenticated. I bought a block account of 5gb with usenet, i got my password and user name all correct but i still cant download and it stays at ZERO percent, whats wrong and can anyone help me with the configurations of alt.binz? Really appreciated!

Offline Rdl

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Connected & downloading but it still stays at 0%...
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2007, 02:01:10 am »
Detailed log is needed. Upload it somewhere and post a link

Offline Rdl

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Connected & downloading but it still stays at 0%...
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2007, 03:20:13 pm »
Hi all, here is the log file and screenshot, i dont know really whats wrong and my download just wont run, it will stay at 0% and the download bar will just flicker and flicker at 0% , i am running xp home by the way, tested on Vista too and same problem, anyone can help? i wouldnt mind giving something in return =)

Link to log file --->

link to screenshot ---->

Thanks to everyone who is helping!

First no need to open new topic, use this one.
If you read FAQ of your usenet provider you'll see that you connected to their pop server and not their news server.

From FAQ:
Code: [Select]
Q: What are the server addresses?
A: We have three server systems:

US (Atlanta):
Europe (Amsterdam):
SSL encrypted:
Normally you should use the system closest to you, but if there is some issue at that system you might use any of the other systems.
All three systems have the same retention, but currently the EU server shows less retention (70+ days) for headers. When retreiving articles via message-ID, (using NZB files for retreival), the EU server has the same retention as the US server.
Q: How many simultaneous connections may I have to your servers? Can I connect from more than one IP?
A: You may use up to 20 simultaneous connections, total, to our server system, but unless you have a serious speed issue we don't recommend using more than 5-8 connections. Using too many connections may even make your downloads slower. Use the minimum number that fills your connection bandwidth.
(Note: You're not allowed 20 connections to each server simultaneously, the total number of connections to all servers may not at any time exceed 20.)
You may connect from different IPs, for example from your home and your office, but not simultaneously.
Q: Which ports are available to use?
A: You can connect using the standard nntp port 119, and to the EU server you can use the alternate port 443. For the US server you can also connect using the alternate ports 8000, 23, 25, 1720 or 3128.
For the SSL server you can connect using the standard nntps SSL port 563, or alternate port 443. If your ISP caps nntp traffic we recommend using the alternate port, since some ISPs caps the standard nntps port 563 too.
Note that to use SSL, you need to have a SSL enabled newsreader, or an ssl proxy installed on your client computer.


So server address is port 119 or port 119 and not  port 119


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« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2007, 05:25:16 pm »
ok i try tonight... will post here if i am still facing problems... thx a lot!


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« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2007, 08:26:02 pm »
i done it thanks a lot rdl!!!! U have been a great help!  :D