Author Topic: Doesn't find article?? :-s  (Read 2180 times)


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Doesn't find article?? :-s
« on: August 07, 2008, 01:24:04 am »
I've been having a lot of problems recently. I get my NZBs from newzbin, and used to download them to a housemate's server running Hella. Having moved out, I got Alt.Binz to download to my own computer, which worked fine to start with, but recently I've been having major issues. I tell it to connect, and it says connected and authenticated (although down-spd is always 0kb/s).
The log always shows something along the lines of:
[07/08/2008 00:13:31] [T1] Error 17/41 (filename) [28/63] - "filename.part26.rar" yEnc
[07/08/2008 00:13:31] [T1] 430 430 No Such Article
[07/08/2008 00:13:31] [T1] Article started 18/41 (filename) [28/63] - "filename.part26.rar" yEnc
[07/08/2008 00:13:31] [T1] Already in group

I assumed at first that "No such article" meant that the file had been taken offline, but since I've been using Hella without a single instance of this for over a year, and now every nzb is generating this message, I figured it must be something to do with Alt.Binz.

Any ideas? Have I toggled something accidentally?

I'm running Alt.Binz 0.25.0 on XP Pro.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2008, 01:27:56 am by Hemmers »

Offline Hecks

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Re: Doesn't find article?? :-s
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2008, 01:47:14 am »
Well, it seems from your log that only some parts of that file are missing from your server (or maybe not, we'd have to see the rest to be sure).  As usual, go through the basic trouble-shooting steps, starting with whether the files are within the retention of your server, try an NZB from a different source, try toggling the 'Select group' and 'Article command' options in Server setup (your best bet, I think), try the same NZB & server with another newsreader, if you're able to, try another server/provider, etc.  Basically, you need to narrow down the problem.  I'm assuming that 'every NZB' here is an exaggeration: try some others.

If Alt.Binz was the root cause of the 'Article not found' problem, you'd win a special prize for being the first and only 0.25.0 user experiencing it. ;) 

« Last Edit: August 07, 2008, 01:52:52 am by Hecks »


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Re: Doesn't find article?? :-s
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2008, 02:03:32 am »
Sorry, should have clarified, that was just an extract from the log. It's giving me the same 4 lines for every part of the file, so I didn't think there was much point filling up the page with reams of the stuff.

Also, I do mean every file. I mostly download movies, but since I was having issues I got some NZBs for music and software just as a trial (all from newzbin, it must be said - but then I haven't changed anything in that respect). I always got the same result.

The "Select group" and "article command" suggestion did not work with other nzbs from newzbin.

However, I do now have one happily downloading from

The next step I guess I'll have to try is nzbs from newzbin in another newsreader as newzbin would seem to be where the probem lies. I wonder why? I'm getting my nzbs in exactly the same way as I always did...
Anyway, that's not your guys concern. Cheers.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2008, 02:27:25 am by Hemmers »