Author Topic: Download PARs  (Read 3209 times)


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Download PARs
« on: December 28, 2007, 07:08:50 pm »

I started using Alt.binz 2 days ago together with a pay-server. I've tried to download quite some data, but 8 out of 10 times the downloaded files are corrupted/incomplete and the PAR-files don't work.
For instance, I have tried to download a movie that was upload this morning. By default the PAR-files are 'imported as paused'. When the RAR-files are all downloaded the paused PAR-files remain paused in the download queue. Obviously. I can't unrar the RAR-files at this point (it says 'unexptected ending'). When I then manually unpause the PAR-files they get downloaded. But when I then execute Quickpar, they don't work.
Now, this doesn't happen all of the time. I have made a few successful downloads. But it does happen most of the time!

Does anybody have any idea's?


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Re: Download PARs
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2007, 10:27:46 am »
there are a few possible reasons i see why the download might not work:

1.) Upload not complete (the same morning...)
2.) Uploaded rars incomplete and not enough rars (when alt.binz realizes this it doesn't download the par2 files)
3.) par2 set not corresponding to the rar's

when u open quickpar u can see if all parts are there and wether the repair fails because of incomplete rars or missing rars. when the upload is fresh and there are missing rars i would guess its not complete...

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Re: Download PARs
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2007, 11:36:52 am »
You can also expand the entry in the Alt.Binz PAR2 tab to see exactly which rar files are missing, and compare this with download information in your log.  Your log will always tell you exactly what was or wasn't downloaded, and why - so you should always refer to it first for this kind of question.  Look for the entries highlighted in red.  For example, it will tell you if the files couldn't be found on the server, or if they could be found but were missing article parts or were corrupted.


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Re: Download PARs: SOLVED
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2008, 11:37:55 am »
Thanks for the replies. I have found the solution based on reactions to other questions in this forum: it seems the problem was caused by the fact that besides a payserver, I also used the Orange- newsserver. I assume that because of the horrendous quality/retention of my beloved provider most (all?) packages that were downloaded through their server were downloaded incomplete/faulty. I deleted the Orange-server from the list and now everythig works fine again.