Author Topic: Downloading from specific usenet providers with certain posts  (Read 1955 times)


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I have access to several usenet providers (i.e. my ISP, and two other providers).  They all have different retention and max speed/amount of streams I can download on.

My question is, when I download from usenet, can I make what I am downloading only download from a specific provider and not utilize any of the others? The reason for this is because of the age of posts/retentions of the providers I have access to.  I realize that I can manually keep switching between which providers I am downloading from, but I cannot be in front of the computer all the time to do this manual switchover.  

Thanks in advance for any assistance!
« Last Edit: May 23, 2010, 07:56:55 pm by kikk902 »

Offline davidq666

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Re: Downloading from specific usenet providers with certain posts
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2010, 08:32:49 pm »
u can set up one as primary and the others all together as backups to that primary...