Author Topic: Dummies Guide To AutoDownloading NZB's Please  (Read 2667 times)


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Dummies Guide To AutoDownloading NZB's Please
« on: April 16, 2012, 12:14:46 pm »

Firstly, found alt.binbz after having issues with newsleecher, and I wish I had found it earlier.. Its a great program.

So I know how to set up RSS feeds and can manually download a file by right clicking from the results, selecting add to queue and hitting connect, and setting it to unpack to my shared directory... To Cool and Too Easy..

I', using NZBMatrix as my search engine..

So now I'm trying to master how to get the nzb's to download automatically so that I dont have to manually add them to the que.

So I click on the RSS Tab, then I set up a filter such as the following TV Show.

How I Love Sausages*S07*|A|H:news|Z:\TV Shows\How I Love Sausages

Then what ??? 

Is there a simple step by step to assist ??

I'm usually pretty cluey at setting these things up, but this has me a little stumped..

I haven't donated... yet... is that the issue, is only a feature of a donated version ??

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


« Last Edit: April 16, 2012, 10:35:44 pm by Hecks »

Offline davidq666

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Re: Dummies Guide To AutoDownloading NZB's Please
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2012, 04:31:36 pm »
in order for the filters to take effect you have to activate the timer. in the rss settings you can check the box auto timer and it will be activated on each start of altbinz. additionally you can active and deactivate it manualy in the rss tab. only new items will be matched acording to your filters.


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Re: Dummies Guide To AutoDownloading NZB's Please
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2012, 09:53:41 pm »
Hi and thanks for responding.

I found out my issue..

I had the timer on so that was ok;

Bu I didn't have the filter set correctly..

I had, for example;

The*Sausage*S02*WEB*|A|H:news|Z:\TV Shows\The Sausage

instead of;

The*Sausage*S02*WEB* | A | H:news| Z:\TV Shows\The Sausage
I didn't have spaces either side of the separators ( | ) .  As soon as I did that, the "A" turned green and green and overnight 3 of my filters were activated and downloaded.

So all good now (I think..!!)

« Last Edit: April 16, 2012, 10:36:49 pm by Hecks »