Author Topic: ETA on downloads (not taskbar or tray)?  (Read 2345 times)


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ETA on downloads (not taskbar or tray)?
« on: February 23, 2008, 10:12:01 pm »

I'm running Alt.Binz on my Mac with Crossover, therefore I don't have a Taskbar or a System Tray.

Is there any way to see an ETA on downloads (maybe also unrar's) inside the main program windows?

By ETA I mean hours, minutes, seconds of course (not %).

Thanks a lot  :)

Offline freeop

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Re: ETA on downloads (not taskbar or tray)?
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2008, 10:44:45 pm »
Not for sure about the Mac and Crossover but if you look at the bottom of the program it self, there is a info bar there. It can be configured for different things I believe but I have mine basically setup with the default settings.

Here's a screen shot of the bar I am talking about.

If you look at the 5th box over, that is my ETA for a file I am downloading now. I think you can right click on the box and configure it that way also. But I do know if you have multiple files you are downloading, if you want to find out the ETA on one file, right click on it and in the context menu, you can get the ETA to be set at the bottom for a short period of time.

Like I said, I am not real sure about right clicking and the Mac or Crossover as I know that this has been an issue in the past for Mac Users.

Anyway, hope this help somewhat...

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Re: ETA on downloads (not taskbar or tray)?
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2008, 11:31:38 pm »
Ah excellent, someone using Mac & Crossover, if you get it to work perhaps you could add something to the wiki about it:

Does Crossover not show the application titlebar?  If it does, you can display ETA and speed there via Setup > User Interface.


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Re: ETA on downloads (not taskbar or tray)?
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2008, 09:45:02 pm »
Thanks for the help guys.

Alt.Binz now shows ETA in the bottom, green status bar when running it in Crossover Mac  :)

Right-clicking works just fine although not when the tooltips pop up.

Is there a way to disable tooltips from popping up? (otherwise it would be nice to have an option to disable them (for us Mac users))
