Your explanation is pretty much my understanding then.
I am not fluent in regex so I could be making some mistakes here.
I have 3 total catagories for tvshows set up, 1 that seems to work for most and 2 running test scripts to see if it grabs the shows and puts them in a folder for each of the tests.
test1 uses @"^.*S\d\dE\d\d" in the key words
test2 uses (.*)\.S(\d+)E(\d+)\.(.*)
and the main one that seems to work tvshows using @[sS]\d+[xX\-\.]?[eE]\d+
The two test keywords do not seem to work as nothing ever gets sent to those folders.
The problem is the main one will also grab some movies , and will miss some of the tvshows.
As for the movies I have 3 test keywords regex and one main filter. the tests: @\(tt[0-9]+\) ; ^(.*?)\W(?
\d{4})(?:\W(\d+p)?)|(\d+p)(?:\W(\d{4}))?)\b ; and (^[^\[]+)(?= \[) do not seem to do anything, as nothing ever shows up in those folders. I am able to use variations of "bluray" to grab a bunch of them but nothing that works consistently.
So I am trying to find some key words or regex that will grab the movies as well.
Music is a similar situation where I am able to get some of them marked but not all.... so if there are any filters that can be used more efficiently I would be happy to see them as well.
Thanks for your time.