Author Topic: First time user - When does Alt.Binz repair?  (Read 2232 times)


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First time user - When does Alt.Binz repair?
« on: October 30, 2008, 02:37:17 pm »

I've read through the wiki and verified my config.  It is all setup to auto repair and extract (or so I believe).

I've got a number of large items in my queue and the first complete nzb has completed downloading.  The Pars from this set remain paused.  When does the program verify and extract? 
Currently the pars are still paused and the rar files are in the designated download folder and not the designated extract folder.

Do all the files in the entire download queue need to be finished?  Or have I messed something up?


Offline Hecks

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Re: First time user - When does Alt.Binz repair?
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2008, 03:16:44 pm »
Par2 checking happens as each rar is downloaded, with a final check (& repair if necessary) & unrar to destination after the queued collection is @ 0MB (not the whole queue) ... assuming you've set it up right.

You can watch the progress of checking on the PAR2 tab (expand the par2 entry) - each rar file that checks out fine will be highlighted green.  There must be at least one .par2 in the download folder for this to work.  If you spot any problems, check your Log tab for error messages.  In fact, ALWAYS check your Log, it has all the answers. ;)

P.S. My advice: pause those 'large items' for now and test with something smaller until you're comfortable with how it all works.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2008, 03:21:16 pm by Hecks »


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Re: First time user - When does Alt.Binz repair?
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2008, 02:11:00 am »
Do I need to ensure that under Setup->NZB-Import as paused (par2) files is unchecked?

I had a large file that finished downloading this morning.  When I got home more than 9 hours later it still hadn't extracted.  I had to manually unpause the par2 files after running quickpar to see if it was valid.

When I just checked the extract folder the image for this file was there. 

I took your advice and tried some small files.  Nothing has been corrupt and it is behaving as one would expect.

I'm very, very confused.  I just checked two other large files in quickpar where all the par files are paused.  Nine corrupt in one and five in the other.  Will alt.binz unpause these?  Is that my problem?

Offline Hecks

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Re: First time user - When does Alt.Binz repair?
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2008, 02:59:48 am »
As I said, first check your Log to see what Alt.Binz reports.  It logs every action taken and any errors encountered with PAR2 & Unrar, including any autounpausing probs.  And you shouldn't need to use QuickPar - check your PAR2 tab to see which files are OK and which are not.