Author Topic: Help connecting through VPN  (Read 4150 times)


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Help connecting through VPN
« on: January 23, 2009, 04:20:31 am »
HI all,

usenet noob here.

If I'm connected to my ISP then alt binz works fine, if I'm connected to strongVPN (my vpn account) then I see the files connecting but they wont download anything.  Is there something else i need to setup, maybe a secondary server?


Offline davidq666

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Re: Help connecting through VPN
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2009, 09:07:10 am »
first thing to do:

activate detailed loggin then post what the log says so we know what exactly altbinz does or doesn't do...

Offline Ascathon

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Re: Help connecting through VPN
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2009, 09:40:23 am »
Does your usenet provider allow access from multiple locations (connection sharing)?
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Offline Hecks

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Re: Help connecting through VPN
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2009, 09:02:53 pm »
If your NSP is refusing the connections - because they're requested for your VPN server rather than your own network, within the timeout for currently-registred IPs - then you should see an error message of some type in your Log.

What did your VPN provider say when you asked them about the problem?

Offline DM8Mydog

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Re: Help connecting through VPN
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2009, 09:27:03 pm »
if you're on win 2k/xp/Vista, look at a cli proggy called 'route'

I've never used a vpn and dunno the specifics, I have used multiple gateways on the same PC tho, so,
 I'm guessing that you...
 either end up with two local subnets (ie 192.168.1.x your real local, and 10.1.1.x your vpn)
 or end up with one bigger subnet local and vpn (ie the vpn gateway and your local gateway)
 in either case your vpn gateway might somehow be becoming your primary gateway, which is the source of the problem.

if it's something like that you can lookup your NSP's server IP (might be multiple) (hint, on a CMD enter: nslookup

(optionally) if it's a single ip then change your altbinz config to the IP instead of the domain (ie instead of x.x.x.x)

then use
Code: [Select]
route add x.x.x.x your.local.gate.way
route add y.y.y.y your.local.gate.way
(I suggest you add this to a batch save it somewhere and then add a 24h task for it in windows tasks, cause the routes seem to get wiped every time the line resets)

where x.x.x.x and y.y.y.y are the IPs of the NSP server(s) add as many as you need if it's multiple.

if no internet traffic is supposed to pass through your VPN you might wanna spend some time tweaking this batch so that all internet traffic goes through your local gateway and not the remote (vpn) one. and only permit vpn specific traffic to pass through the vpn.

don't take any of the above for granted that they are correct in respect to VPNs, again I haven't used a VPN (neither software nor hardware based) and I dunno the specifics.


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Re: Help connecting through VPN
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2009, 10:17:10 pm »
Thanks for the replies,

DM8 had the solution so doing a route add fixed it.  ALso I found out when doing a route add if you add the -p switch to it then it adsa a permanent entry in the routing table, so: route add -p  x.x.x.x  y.y.y.y
