Am still hoping that someone can help me figure out how to do this with a batch file, if possible. After reading the link given to the Execute Command and some other sites on scripting, I think I have a basic outline for what needs to happen, but for some reason, it looks like altbinz may not be passing variables correctly (or I'm not writing it correctly).
Following the instructions for Execute Command, my Default execute command (NZB #2) is "C:\Program Files (x86)\AltBinz\cleanup.bat" "$d $col".
The cleanup.bat file currently contains:
@echo off
del c:\temp\*.nfo
del c:\temp\*.srr
del c:\temp\*.srs
rem trying to convert downloaded files from mkv to m2ts using tsmuxer.exe
rem set variables
set dldir=%1
set colname=%2
set metafile=%dldir%\%colname%.meta
rem echo text >> %metafile% should write text to meta file
echo MUXOPT --no-pcr-on-video-pid --new-audio-pes --vbr --vbv-len=500 >> %metafile%
echo V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC, "%dldir%\%colname%", fps=23.976, insertSEI, contSPS, track=1, lang=eng >> %metafile%
echo A_AC3, "%dldir%\%colname%", track=2, lang=und >> %metafile%
However, the .meta file ends up in the root directory, not in the download directory and the text written to the file is "\" with no directory or file information. Does that mean that the variables are empty?
Any ideas on what is going on? What am I doing wrong? Is there any additional information that I can give to help?
I figure, once I can get it to write the meta file correctly, it should be easy to call txmuxer with the correct parameters, have it do the conversion and then delete the original file.