Author Topic: How the Hell does TVnzb works?  (Read 8256 times)

Offline superJ

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How the Hell does TVnzb works?
« on: December 09, 2006, 01:50:15 am »
could someone please post a step by step description, how to work with the TVnzb-Tab? I tried to set the filters up (like it is descripted under "Filters" -> ";"), but it doesent work. So I would realy apreciate, if someone could show me, how to do it.

Greetings from Germany

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Re: How the Hell does TVnzb works?
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2006, 02:39:58 am »
Quote from: "superJ"
could someone please post a step by step description, how to work with the TVnzb-Tab? I tried to set the filters up (like it is descripted under "Filters" -> ";"), but it doesent work. So I would realy apreciate, if someone could show me, how to do it.

Here are examples from  my tvnzbfilters.abz:

vanished* | A
six*degrees* | A      
shark* | A
heroes* | A
robin.hood*hdtv* | A
jericho* | A* | A
day.break* | A
** | D
*hr.hdtv* | D
*x264* | D

I arrange list that at the top are lines for what I want to import, and at the bottom of the list lines what I don't want, because for every entry from RSS feed all filter lines are checked from 1st to last and then Alt.binz decides to import NZB or not. First after every starting of Alt.binz click on Refresh button to retrive list which will be compared to RSS feed in future for newly uploaded stuff, then set New or Old list (usually you will set New), timer refresh period and click Timer. That would be all :) and I hope it will work for you, too.
Very simply - ABZ ROX!

Offline superJ

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Re: How the Hell does TVnzb works?
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2006, 01:25:03 pm »
Sorry, I still didn't get it.

Thank you verry much for the Explanation, but when I write in the "Filter"-Column on the left side my filter Items, and refresh the right side - nothing changes. There are still the same unfiltered Items.

Offline Rdl

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How the Hell does TVnzb works?
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2006, 10:14:19 pm »
Purpose of TVnzb feature is to autodownload&import nzb files posted at based on certain parametars provided at filters list.

So, filters list is there to decide which nzb file will be downloaded and not to filter displayed list of nzb. To test this feature do this:

In filters list add:
*galactica* | A

Set list to new (tvnzb carries two list new-only new releases and old-old releses), clear display results, set timer to 10min and enable timer. After 10min program will refresh New list and in list among other things will be latest Batlestar.Galactica nzb. Since program sees all items on the list as new items (previously there was no item in the list - we cleared the list) it will start applying filters against every new(in our case all) item. Based on our filter list only nzb which contain substring galactica is Allowed to be downloaded, program will autodownload & import that nzb.

Smart thing to do would be to first refresh New list and then turn timer on. That way all the items on the list are old to program and when the program refreshes list, new items posted to tvnzb between last refresh and current one are displayed at the top of the list and only those items are checked against filters. When all done, all items are now old to program and after 10 min it will repeat whole procedure.

Practical usage is to leave program to download series you like and you know that will be released during night or while you're away.

If there is something unexplained after this, freely ask :)

Offline superJ

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How the Hell does TVnzb works?
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2006, 02:30:01 am »
I think I got it now. Thanx for the enlightening. This was very helpfull.

Offline Rdl

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How the Hell does TVnzb works?
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2006, 07:37:18 am »