Author Topic: I have a cable isp with the fastest connection and my downloads are extremely sl  (Read 4585 times)


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I have the fastest connection but the downloads are very slow. they start out really fast and than within 10 seconds slow down to nothing. Can anyone help with some suggestions what to look for?

Offline Hecks

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The first thing to do is check your (detailed) Log to see what's happening with each download thread. Press F9 key also to see Connection Panel.  Maybe lots of 'Article not found' messages, and Alt.Binz is retrying - it's hard to tell from your description.

The second thing to do is check your ISP's traffic management policy.  Do they throttle?

Finally, the more info you can give about what's actually happening your end, the easier it will be to help you.


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no article not found messages.
How do i check my isp traffic management policy? What would i be looking for.

Offline Hecks

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Look on your ISP's website for anything relevant, could be in Terms of Service, or Fair Use Policy, etc.

Another thing to try is basic trouble-shooting just to eliminate other potential problems: temporarily turn off firewall, antivirus, etc.

Could be also that your PC is too slow to manage the fast connection.  In which case, try to find an optimum speed.  But as I said, without more info about what's actually happening on your end, it's all shots in the dark at this point.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2009, 08:19:18 am by Hecks »


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Sorry- I am new at this. My computer is has an intel core 2 processor, 6300@ 1.86 ghz, 2.0 GB ram, 32 bit op system, i have 85 gb free on my hard drive.
I shut down my firewall and started to run altbinz 25.0 and it went right up to 450 kB/s for about 45 sec and then dropped right down to 125-130 kB/s. I am still looking into my comcast cable internet provider to see if there is any traffic management policies.

Offline Hecks

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But I would note in passing that 450 KB/s is not particularly fast, how many threads have you set in Setup ->Server?
« Last Edit: November 21, 2009, 03:51:23 am by Hecks »


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i spoke with comcast last night, and they could not explain why my downloads were so slow. they said they were not throttling. I told them i was going back to dsl and it is amazing this morning my download speed is at 1000-1100 kB/s and steady. they wanted me to pay for 22 mbps or 50 mbps for close to another 50.00 /month. i think my isp was throttling.
Thank everyone for the help and all the suggestions- it made me understand everything alot more.

Offline OldIronTits

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Yes, Comcast does that.

You may also find that they have a cap of how much traffic you can move in a month...I thought Comcast was 250GB at one point.

Anyhow, I am glad you got all of that sorted out.  What connection do you have?  5mbps?

I just wanted to throw out the idea that the upgraded service might be worth it.  I went from 3mbps DSL to 8mbps Cable to 20mbps Cable.  The upgrade for me was $25 extra.  I love it.  I download a 700MB movie in 5 minutes.  Folks with 100mbps lines might be laughing at me, but I live in a rural area.  Just be sure that you are not getting throttled.  Take your connection, divide it by 8, and test it. has good speed tests.  For example, if you have a 20mbps line, you should be downloading at 20/8 =2.5MB/sec (2500 KB/s).


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i have 16 mbps speed. This is doing well for me now. I am downloading ssl and i do not think i will have any problems now. I will see.

Offline badness

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I have RoadRunner.  They state that their max DL speed for their "Turbo" is 1600 KB --- yea... for the initial burst of data for a few seconds.  Then it slows down to 1150 KB for the duration.  Fake numbers to reel you in - you have to read the fine print ?!

I called them and read their useage statement and IT does confirm this. 

Again, screwing around with the numbers to suck you in. 

Enjoy the ride.

Offline Mystic2010

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That's the trick. They're doing nothing wrong because they state that it is the max possible speed. :-\