Author Topic: Issue with trying to download certain NZBs that I have previously downloaded  (Read 5329 times)

Offline dunkle

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It certainly appears to be an issue with it remembering what I have downloaded but nothing, other than a format of pc, seems to solve issue

Offline Hecks

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"430 No Such Article" is a message from your server meaning that the article does not exist or has been removed from the server (DMCA). Try the NZB with a different provider.

Offline dunkle

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see thats the strange thing, its not that at all

Download file once - downloads fine - no issues
delete it and re download, then get the issue with that in the log file

only way I can seem to be able to re download is to reformat the hard drive !

If I search for an item - lets say "FILM A" - I get various files / versions of that item

I choose one - lets say its called "FILM A XY" - it downloads fine

If I delete that file and try and re download it,  it will no longer download
If I try a different file "FILM A YX" that also does not download

Offline dunkle

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dont know if explained that last bit correctly

if I download a 25GB version of a film and then delete it - then I cant download that film again no matter what version I try to download, even a 700MB SD version

Its as if it says "you have that" and just does not work

Offline Hecks

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The 430 message is very clear. Alt.Binz doesn't make these up - it's the message received from the server.

The rest of your description is a bit bizarre and difficult to unpick without actually being in front of your PC and looking directly at what you're doing. To make any more progress, you're going to have to state the exact steps needed to reproduce this behaviour on another machine than your own.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2014, 09:27:05 pm by Hecks »

Offline dunkle

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Its certainly not an issue with the retention despite what the error message says

Because (a) it downloads the file fine the first time and (b) if I use another machine (my laptop for example) it downloads it a second - so the file has to be there.  Also these are fairly new (within last month) files

Trying to explain but is difficult

Lets say I want to download a film "blockbuster movie of 2014" we shall call it
I add the NZB to alt binz and it downloads fine, no problems at all - bingo its there

Lets say I then delete this film for whatever reason (by accident or design) I want to re download it so I add the NZB to alt binz again but this time, whilst the percentage download goes up, its not actually downloading, no bandwidth is used, the percentage complete goes up, but the log file show that error message

An error message that was not shown half an hour ago and, if I format my hard drive / use another machine thats not downloaded the file, also does not appear

The REALLY weird thing is that there are various different releases of "blockbuster movie of 2014" - but even if I try a different release, the same thing happens

Its as if the computer \ alt binz is saying - nope you have downloaded this before, your not downloading it again

This despite the fact I have the previous download option unchecked

Offline Hecks

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I can't reproduce this behaviour at all, I'm afraid. Perhaps someone else can?

I've certainly never heard of Alt.Binz inventing server error messages before. These should be just reported exactly as the server returns them: Alt.Binz requests a message ID, 430 from the server means the article identified by that message ID can't be found on the server. If I were you, I'd be trying a second provider at this point to narrow down the source of the problem.

Otherwise if you have Setup > Download > 'Skip if file already downloaded' *unchecked* and are downloading to a new, empty folder each time (Download > 'Create subfolder based on NZB name', and always cleaning up these folders after unrar), then I can't see how the behaviour you describe can be possible.

Maybe there's some weird issue with your article caching in RAM or temp files handling. I think only Rdl can get to the bottom of this issue now, tbh.

Offline Rdl

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Exactly what usenet provider are we talking about?
Are you willing to give me your u/p via pm for a few hours so I could try and see what is going on.

Based on info you provided in this thread it's like your usenet provider is logging everything you download and it's not allowing you to download it again. I know how idiotic that sounds but based on what you described that's the only thing that makes sense.

Also, try to enable 'Select group' option in your server properties (do not forget apply and then disconnect/reconnect)

Offline dunkle

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Its Eweka
Ive just tried with Astra Web
That works

Offline Tim

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Its Eweka
Ive just tried with Astra Web
That works

Interesting problem I will get back to you with what I find out.