Author Topic: Make search on download queue als based on release names, not only subject lines  (Read 2007 times)

Offline p1nky

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Reason for this is that more and more releases don't carry release name in subject line due to DMCA, have renamed files etc.

As the search funtion on the download tab ony seems to look at the subject lines it often shows stuff as not being in queue when actually it is there. This makes it increasingly less useful to have this functionality.

And therefore it would be great if it also looked at release names and not only subject lines of the articles included in the release.

Offline p1nky

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I'll give example:

I add "New.Show.S01E01.Some.Format-SomeGroup" to download queue.

it contains files articles with names

"I renamed this shit coz I don't wanna have it dmca removed [xx/yy] - screwdmca.rxx"

Now if I use search box on download queue and search for "New.Show" it won't find anything because it is not part of "I renamed this shit coz I don't wanna have it dmca removed [xx/yy] - screwdmca.rxx".

-> search should also look into "New.Show.S01E01.Some.Format-SomeGroup"

Maybe the best way to do this would be to have 2 search boxes, one for articles as we have already, and one based on release name.

I definitely wouldn't want to have the article search gone but it needs to be kept also!

Offline Rdl

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   + option to filter download queue based on collection name