Author Topic: Managed to make fonts bigger but toolbar on the top is squashed.How to expand it  (Read 2901 times)

Offline shak

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I m trying to make fotns biggers on altbinz because i m using high def screen

I tried with skinbuilder but i cant find the setting to make fonts bigger on the toolbar for examplr Connect , Pause text.

Can someone help me how to make fotns larger on all the altbinz interface? Download list , settings etc

Thanks a lot

Offline shak

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Hi guys!

So I managed to make fonts bigger from font size 13 to font size 17 .

But now I have the following issue:

Anyone knows which control and which attribute to change in skin builder?

Offline Rdl

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Please, keep it all in one topic. No need for multiple ones!

Offline Rdl

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You can set size of the button on the maintoolbar via language file. Create new file called for example "Lang.cust.abz" in lang folder next to the other language files. Then add only this to it:


Then modify those height and width value to suit you. All you have to do now is force altbinz to load those values by setting language to "Customizations" in setup main form.

Offline shak

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You can set size of the button on the maintoolbar via language file. Create new file called for example "Lang.cust.abz" in lang folder next to the other language files. Then add only this to it:


Then modify those height and width value to suit you. All you have to do now is force altbinz to load those values by setting language to "Customizations" in setup main form.

Wow it really worked!! Thanks a lot!

One last question , so does this mean that I could just edit the language files instead of using the skin editor or for the other changes skin editor Is needed?

Also one thing I haven't managed to change is the font size of the columns name:

Subject , Size , Parts , Age , Group etc.

Any ideas? Also is there a guide to modify the theme using lang/skineditor?

Offline shak

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Also if there is a way to make more space between the separators below :

I apologize for the new post but I can't find a way to edit my previous to add this

Offline Rdl

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Take a look at any language file - same [Alt.Binz] section. You'll see something like:

For colums header captions - I'll take a look and let you know.

Offline shak

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Take a look at any language file - same [Alt.Binz] section. You'll see something like:

For colums header captions - I'll take a look and let you know.

it worked!

if you manage to find the columns customization that would be perfect :) I could also share here the final theme for high def screens

Offline Rdl

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Nothing to find. I know what needs to be added, but a bug in tree control source is preventing it from beeing displayed correctly (you can add this bellow and see the bug for yourself)

This needs to be added in language file:

Note that this is only for download queue. Others must be added under appropriate sections - consult existing language files for form and tree names (TAltbinzMainForm is forms name and downtree is tree control name for download queue)
Good news is that I've identified and fixed bug - it will be available in next version.

Please, do share theme/language customization file when done for HD/UHD screens, I'm sure many will use it for sure.

Offline shak

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Thanks for the info.

One last thing. Regarding the headers fonts for the connections, do you happen to know which property to change?

Offline Rdl

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I've told you that you can find those easy based on existing language files.

Offline shak

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Thanks again

I will finish the skin and upload it for the users