Author Topic: Merging new and previously d/loaded files  (Read 1983 times)


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Merging new and previously d/loaded files
« on: August 09, 2011, 08:35:28 pm »
Sorry, in advance, if this is the wrong place to ask.

I have just full downloaded a large 160+gb file which has a mass of missing parts and insufficient PAR2 files to repair (450 blocks required) from AstraWeb. So p..sed off I reactivated my Giganews account to try and finish off the download. Is there a way to merge/add only the missing parts to the previously downloaded incomplete files without completely downloading and overwriting them? Hope that makes sense.

Offline chewie4u

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Re: Merging new and previously d/loaded files
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2011, 08:55:13 pm »
Corrupt/incomplete files are probably in uppercase (check : Setup/download/uppercase corrupted files) , if not, check par2 details.
Then delete the culprits, enable "Setup/download/Skip if file is already downloaded" and re-DL the same collection.


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Re: Merging new and previously d/loaded files
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2011, 09:15:18 pm »
Thanks for the reply, however if I'm grasping what you're saying, you're suggesting I identify all the corrupt files - delete only them, then re-download, skipping the correctly downloaded files which have been left in the folder?

If so that is almost akin to redownloading the whole fle again. I only have 14 complete files out of 293 - the rest have on average 2-3 parts missing. What I was hoping might be available was to redownload and add ONLY the missing parts, to the missing files ie (part001.rar - size 524,288,000; downloaded 522,752,000. Is there no way to merely download the missing bytes from the new providers download files - which are intact.

Or am I clutching at straws.