Author Topic: Newsgroups - Getting started with Alt.Binz  (Read 2231 times)

Offline TonkaTom

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Newsgroups - Getting started with Alt.Binz
« on: June 21, 2010, 11:35:40 pm »

Used newsgroups for years, I have a powernet subscription, but can't get my just my fave groups sorted & saved on alt.binz.

Once I have my faves sorted & saved how do I search for say an mp3 with alt.binz?

Sorry if this seems easy for others, must be my syndrome.


Offline Hecks

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Re: Newsgroups - Getting started with Alt.Binz
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2010, 11:59:42 pm »
You can safely ignore the Newsgroups tab, as that's only used for XPAT searching (you don't want this, believe me).  Alt.Binz doesn't allow direct downloading of headers from newsgroups.

Instead, you should use the search engine tabs, these query indexing sites directly and so are always 'live' results.  Newzleech and Binsearch allow you to browse groups (see the groups dropdown on each) and keep a list of favourites.  If you can use Google, you can use these . :P