Hey chuckle,
Thanks for your useful and considered reply. I have actually managed to fix it now, but i'm really not sure how, but i greatly appreciate your efforts at assisting me anyway.
Hecks....i am sure this will fall on deaf ears, because you are clearly too busy strutting around this forum being the big mod...to be bothered taking the time to formulate more than a two word reply to a noob user looking for a little help.
And i appreciate that whilst i am not a 'customer' in the sense of the word that i haven't actually paid for anything here....but i am a 'customer'...in that i am a user of the product, and without users, any product ceases to have purpose.
You might want to examine your style of 'support'....as making people feel stupid for asking questions, or not providing the correct information...or not knowing how to provide the correct information doesn't help you, or the developers of this software in producing a great bit of kit that people will want to use...and contribute to....and further advertise through whatever means they may have at their disposal, be it word of mouth, email or messenger etc that this software is something other people may want to try.
From my very limited experience here, one thing that i have taken away, is that if you have a problem...be careful asking about it, because Hecks has very little patience dealing with those that are...lets face it...probably making up the majority of users of the product.... i.e. persons that have perhaps only moderate technical ability.
And to think i came over to using this software because the forums over at shemes.com were full of similiarly ego inflated mods that don't really have the patience to effectively question a user in order to discern what the problem is.
hope i dont have any more issues with the software.....but thanks for the carefully considered and fully explained "check your log".