Author Topic: (null) in description - filenames not creating correctly.  (Read 4681 times)


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(null) in description - filenames not creating correctly.
« on: December 14, 2007, 02:37:44 am »
Hi everyone  :)

Until yesterday I was a GrabIt user until I found a bug - not exactly with GrabIt but with a particular posting.

The parts of an NZB had nothing in the description field, so GrabIt called them (null) when it saved them. And overwrote each one as it went.  :o and

summarise an identical situation to mine.

So I went looking for an alternative and found Alt.Binz and I'm really impressed  :) But it too has the same problem, though at least it renamed the second file (null).x - I didn't wait to find out how it would save the third one as they're big files  ;D

I noticed each article flashed the correct filename in the Description field just as it started downloading, so I'm wondering if there's a way to force Alt.Binz to accept that as the filename, or pick up the filename from the subject line if it's null?

Currently I'm downloading the NZB in the trial of Newsbin and it's not a pretty sight - I'd love to be able to get this working in Alt.Binz as it seems so much nicer to use than all the rest from first impressions  8)


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Re: (null) in description - filenames not creating correctly.
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2007, 03:30:42 am »

I noticed each article flashed the correct filename in the Description field just as it started downloading, so I'm wondering if there's a way to force Alt.Binz to accept that as the filename, or pick up the filename from the subject line if it's null?


Don't know if this is what you want, but under Setup/Download there is a check box that says "Create Subfolders based on NZB/root node name". Check that box and see if that helps. I use it and when I download an NZB, I will rename the NZB to what I want before sending it to Alt.binz.

As an example, If I get a NZB File from newsbinz it sometimes comes up "msg27584958_DEBBIE_DOES_DALLAS.NZB". So when Firefox asks me what do I want to save the file name as, I put "DEBBIE_DOES_DALLAS.NZB" and then Alt.binz will create a folder with the same name.

As I said, this might not be what you are wanting, but if it is, hopefully it will help.