[2024-01-26] Alt.Binz[2024-12-16] Alt.Binz[2024-10-07] Alt.Binz
Session Start: Wed Apr 28 10:56:53 2010Session Ident: FL45H[10:56] Session Ident: FL45H (~user@host86-170-48-7.range86-170.btcentralplus.com)[10:56] <FL45H> hey u here[11:02] <FL45H> well i think the RSS issue is sorted now[11:03] <FL45H> it was forcing all links on the SSL when they shouldnt have been[11:03] <FL45H> if ($ssl == "1");[11:03] <FL45H> should have been[11:03] <FL45H> if ($ssl == "1")[11:03] <FL45H> doh...[11:29] <rdl> yes I know[11:29] <rdl> also you're redirecting all https -> http[11:32] <FL45H> its not now[11:32] <FL45H> its fixed[11:32] <rdl> cool[11:32] <rdl> thx[11:33] <FL45H> the IF wasnt working, so it was writing everything no matter what[11:33] <rdl> hm[11:33] <rdl> are you sure[11:34] <rdl> I think https links to api-download are stil 301[11:44] <FL45H> nothing changed with the api[11:44] <FL45H> it was the RSS generation[11:44] <rdl> ok[11:44] <rdl> let me explain[11:44] <rdl> &ssl=1[11:44] <rdl> links are https[11:44] <rdl> but still they are redirected to http[11:44] <FL45H> yes[11:45] <rdl> that's the main issue why it isn't working now in alt.binz[11:45] <FL45H> ill check[11:45] <rdl> problem with component I use[11:46] <FL45H> its working how it was before now[11:47] <FL45H> if you add &ssl=1 the links are SSL[11:47] <FL45H> otherwise they are now[11:47] <FL45H> *not[12:02] <rdl> well[12:02] <rdl> the links are https (SSL)[12:03] <rdl> but it's redirected to http[12:03] <rdl> I really cannot explain it any clearer[12:04] <rdl> HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently[12:05] <rdl> Location: http://nzbmatrix.com/api-nzb-download.php?id=628460&username=xxx&apikey=xxx[12:05] <rdl> this is what you get when you try https://nzbmatrix.com/api-nzb-download.php?id=628460&username=xxx&apikey=xxx[12:06] <rdl> so there is no point to ssl=1 switchSession Close: Wed Apr 28 12:23:39 2010